
Definition of the GuardianTab

class*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: DataTab

Summarises the data recorded by an Advanced LIGO Guardian node.

Each guardian node controls and monitors state transitions for a specific subsystem of the Advanced LIGO interferometer. The GuardianTab summarises those data with a state segments plot, a transitions summary table, and a detailed list of transitions and segments for each listed state.

classmethod from_ini(config, section, plotdir='plots', **kwargs)[source]

Define a new GuardianTab.

process(nds=None, nproc=1, config=<GWSummConfigParser()>, datacache=None, segmentcache=[], datafind_error='raise', **kwargs)[source]

Process data for the given state.

type = 'guardian'

Write the HTML for the given state of this GuardianTab