
A Plot is a representation of an image to be included in the HTML output a tab.

For simple purposes, a Plot is just a reference to an existing image file that can be imported into an HTML page via the <img> tag.

For more complicated purposes, a number of data plot classes are provided to allow users to generate images on-the-fly. The available classes are:

TimeSeriesDataPlot(*args, **kwargs)

DataPlot of some TimeSeries data.

SpectrogramDataPlot(*args, **kwargs)

DataPlot a Spectrogram

SegmentDataPlot(flags, start, end[, state, ...])

Segment plot of one or more DataQualityFlags <DataQualityFlag>.

StateVectorDataPlot(*args, **kwargs)

DataPlot of some StateVector data.

SpectrumDataPlot(channels, start, end[, ...])

Spectrum plot for a SummaryTab

TimeSeriesHistogramPlot(channels, start, end)

HistogramPlot from a Series

TriggerTimeSeriesDataPlot(*args, **kwargs)

Custom time-series plot to handle discontiguous TimeSeries.

TriggerHistogramPlot(*args, **kwargs)

HistogramPlot from a LIGO_LW Table

TriggerRateDataPlot(*args, **kwargs)

TimeSeriesDataPlot of trigger rate.