Source code for

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2014)
# This file is part of GWSumm
# GWSumm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GWSumm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GWSumm.  If not, see <>

"""Definition of the `GuardianTab`

import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from configparser import NoOptionError

from dateutil import tz

import numpy

from import get_cmap
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize

from astropy.time import Time

from glue.lal import Cache

from gwpy.segments import DataQualityDict

from import html
from gwdetchar.plot import texify

from .. import globalv
from ..config import GWSummConfigParser
from import get_timeseries_dict
from ..plot.registry import get_plot
from ..segments import get_segments
from ..state import ALLSTATE
from ..utils import vprint
from .registry import (get_tab, register_tab)

__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod <>'
__all__ = ['GuardianTab']

DataTab = get_tab('default')
UTC = tz.gettz('UTC')
REQUESTSTUB = '+request'
NOMINALSTUB = '+nominal'
MODE_COLORS = ['grey', 'magenta', 'red', 'saddlebrown']

re_guardian_index = re.compile(r'\[(?P<idx>.*)\] (?P<label>.*)')

[docs] class GuardianTab(DataTab): """Summarises the data recorded by an Advanced LIGO Guardian node. Each guardian node controls and monitors state transitions for a specific subsystem of the Advanced LIGO interferometer. The `GuardianTab` summarises those data with a state segments plot, a transitions summary table, and a detailed list of transitions and segments for each listed state. """ type = 'guardian'
[docs] @classmethod def from_ini(cls, config, section, plotdir='plots', **kwargs): """Define a new `GuardianTab`. """ new = super(DataTab, cls).from_ini(config, section, **kwargs) new.plots = [] new.plotdir = plotdir new.ifo = config.get(section, 'IFO') # record node and states new.node = config.get(section, 'node') new.grdstates = OrderedDict() plot = [] for key, name in config.nditems(section): try: key = int(key) except ValueError: continue else: if name[0] == '*': plot.append(False) else: plot.append(True) new.grdstates[int(key)] = name.strip('*') try: new.transstates = list(map( int, config.get(section, 'transitions').split(','))) except NoOptionError: new.transstates = list(new.grdstates) # -- build plots ------------------------ new.set_layout([1, 2]) grdidxs = dict((state, idx) for idx, state in new.grdstates.items()) new.segmenttag = '%s:%s %%s' % (new.ifo, new.node) pstates = [l for i, l in enumerate(list(new.grdstates.values())[::-1]) if plot[-i-1]] flags = [new.segmenttag % name for name in pstates] labels = ['[%d] %s' % (grdidxs[state], state) for state in pstates] # define colours cmap = get_cmap('brg')(Normalize(-1, 1)( numpy.linspace(-1, 1, len(pstates))))[::-1] th = len(flags) > 8 and (new.span[1] - new.span[0])/200. or 0 for state in new.states: # get common plot tag prefix tagprefix = 'GRD_%s' % re.sub(r'[-\s]', '_', new.node.upper()) if != ALLSTATE: # include state name if not All tagprefix = '%s_%s' % (, tagprefix) # segment plot new.plots.append(get_plot('guardian')( flags, new.span[0], new.span[1], state=state, labels=labels, outdir=plotdir, known={'hatch': 'x', 'alpha': 0.1, 'facecolor': 'none'}, tag='%s_SEGMENTS' % tagprefix, title='%s Guardian %s state' % ( new.ifo, texify(new.node)), zorder=2)) # pie new.plots.append(get_plot('segment-pie')( flags, new.span[0], new.span[1], state=state, labels=pstates, colors=cmap, tag='%s_SEGMENT_PIE' % tagprefix, startangle=180, counterclock=False, wedge_linewidth=0.01, outdir=plotdir, title='%s Guardian %s state' % ( new.ifo, texify(new.node)), legend_fontsize=16, legend_sorted=True, legend_threshold=th, )) # bar new.plots.append(get_plot('segment-bar')( flags, new.span[0], new.span[1], state=state, labels=pstates, sorted=True, tag='%s_SEGMENT_BAR' % tagprefix, outdir=plotdir, title='%s Guardian %s state' % ( new.ifo, texify(new.node)), )) return new
[docs] def process(self, nds=None, nproc=1, config=GWSummConfigParser(), datacache=None, segmentcache=Cache(), datafind_error='raise', **kwargs): """Process data for the given state. """ # finalize state information self.finalize_states( config=config, segdb_error=kwargs.get('segdb_error', 'raise'), datafind_error=datafind_error) vprint("States finalised [%d total]\n" % len(self.states)) vprint(" Default state: %r\n" % str(self.defaultstate)) # remove plots that have already been generated for p in self.plots: if p.outputfile in globalv.WRITTEN_PLOTS: = False # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # work out which channels are needed prefix = '%s:GRD-%s_%%s' % (self.ifo, self.node) state = sorted(self.states, key=lambda s: abs([-1] prefices = ['STATE_N', 'REQUEST_N', 'NOMINAL_N', 'OK', 'MODE', 'OP'] alldata = list(get_timeseries_dict( [prefix % x for x in prefices], state, config=config, nds=nds, nproc=nproc, cache=datacache, datafind_error=datafind_error, dtype='int32').values()) vprint(" All time-series data loaded\n") # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # find segments and transitions self.transitions = dict((v, []) for v in self.grdstates) for sdata, rdata, ndata, okdata in zip(*alldata[:4]): ssegs = DataQualityDict() rsegs = DataQualityDict() nsegs = DataQualityDict() oksegs = (okdata == 1).to_dqflag(name='Node OK') for v, name in self.grdstates.items(): # get segments for state tag = self.segmenttag % name instate = sdata == v ssegs[tag] = instate.to_dqflag(name=name) diff_ = numpy.diff(instate.value.astype(int)) transin = (diff_ == 1).nonzero()[0] + 1 transout = (diff_ == -1).nonzero()[0] + 1 for i, j in zip(transin, transout): t = sdata.times[i].value from_ = sdata[i-1].value to_ = sdata[j].value self.transitions[v].append((t, from_, to_)) # get segments for request tag = self.segmenttag % name + REQUESTSTUB instate = rdata == v rsegs[tag] = instate.to_dqflag(name=name) # get segments for nominal tag = self.segmenttag % name + NOMINALSTUB nom = ndata == v nsegs[tag] = nom.to_dqflag(name=name) globalv.SEGMENTS += ssegs globalv.SEGMENTS += rsegs globalv.SEGMENTS += nsegs globalv.SEGMENTS += {self.segmenttag % 'OK': oksegs} super(GuardianTab, self).process( config=config, nds=nds, nproc=nproc, datacache=datacache, segmentcache=segmentcache, **kwargs)
[docs] def write_state_html(self, state): """Write the HTML for the given state of this `GuardianTab` """ page = self.scaffold_plots(state=state) page.div(class_='row') page.div(class_='col-md-12') page.h2('%s state transitions' % self.node, class_='mt-4 mb-4') page.add(html.alert( # add dismissable alert 'For all of the following data, "Unknown" simply labels any ' 'state in this node that was not chosen for display, and does ' 'not mean that the state was unrecognised by the Guardian ' 'system. Transitions from an "Unkown" state are not listed in ' 'the table below, but are included in the totals.', context=self.ifo.lower())) # draw table id_ = '{}-state-transitions'.format(self.ifo.lower()) page.table(class_='table table-sm table-hover transitions mt-2', id_=id_) page.caption('Transitions into each state (row) from each other ' 'state (column). Only those states named in the ' 'configuration are shown, but the \'Total\' includes ' 'transitions from any and all states. A dash ' '(\'&mdash;\') indicates no transitions from ' 'the given state.') page.thead() for th in ['State'] + list(self.grdstates.values()) + ['Total']: page.thead.close() page.tbody() for i, bit in enumerate(self.transstates): name = self.grdstates[bit].strip('*') for j, bit2 in enumerate(self.grdstates): if i == j:'&mdash;', class_='ignore') continue count = len([t for t in self.transitions[bit] if t[1] == bit2]) if count: else:'&mdash;')[bit]))) page.tbody.close() page.table.close() page.button( 'Export to CSV', class_='btn btn-outline-secondary btn-table mt-2', **{'data-table-id': id_, 'data-filename': '%s.csv' % id_}) page.div.close() # col-md-12 page.div.close() # row # summarise each state page.div(class_='row') page.div(class_='col-md-12') page.h2('State details', class_='mt-4 mb-2') page.div(id='accordion') for i, bit in enumerate(self.grdstates): name = self.grdstates[bit].strip('*') page.div(class_='card border-info mb-1 shadow-sm', id=str(bit)) # heading page.div(class_='card-header text-white bg-info') page.a('%s [%d]' % (name, bit), href='#collapse-%d' % bit, class_='card-link cis-link collapsed', **{'data-bs-toggle': 'collapse', 'aria-expanded': 'false'}) page.div.close() # card-header # body page.div(id='collapse-%d' % bit, class_='collapse', **{'data-parent': '#accordion'}) page.div(class_='card-body') # print transitions headers = ['Transition GPS time', 'UTC time', 'Local time', 'Transition from', 'Exited to'] data = [] if self.ifo in ['H1', 'C1', 'P1']: localzone = tz.gettz('America/Los_Angeles') elif self.ifo in ['L1']: localzone = tz.gettz('America/Chicago') elif self.ifo in ['K1']: localzone = tz.gettz('Asia/Tokyo') else: localzone = tz.gettz('Europe/Berlin') for t, from_, to_ in self.transitions[bit]: t2 = Time(t, format='gps', scale='utc') tlocal = Time( t2.datetime.replace(tzinfo=UTC).astimezone(localzone), format='datetime', scale='utc') data.append(( t, t2.iso, tlocal.iso, '%s [%d]' % (self.grdstates.get(from_, 'Unknown'), from_), '%s [%d]' % (self.grdstates.get(to_, 'Unknown'), to_))) page.add(str(html.table( headers, data, id='%s-guardian-%s' % (self.ifo.lower(), str(bit)), caption="Transitions for %s %r state" % (self.node, name)))) # print segments flag = get_segments(self.segmenttag % name,, query=False).copy() livetime = abs( try: duty = abs( / float(abs(flag.known)) * 100. except ZeroDivisionError: duty = 0 page.p('This state was active for %.2f seconds (%.2f%%) during ' 'the following segments:' % (livetime, duty)) page.add(str(self.print_segments(flag))) page.div.close() # card-body page.div.close() # collapse page.div.close() # card page.div.close() # accordion page.div.close() # col-md-12 page.div.close() # row return super(DataTab, self).write_state_html(state, plots=False, pre=page)