gwsumm.tabs.builtin module

This module defines a number of Tab subclasses.

The builtin classes provide interfaces for simple operations including

  • ExternalTab: embedding an existing webpage

  • PlotTab: scaffolding a collection of existing images

  • StateTab: scaffolding plots split into a number of states, with a button to switch between states in the HTML

class gwsumm.tabs.builtin.ExternalTab(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Tab

A simple tab to link HTML from an external source


name of this tab (required)


URL of the external content to be linked into this tab.


HTML file in which to write. By default each tab is written to an index.html file in its own directory. Use :attr:`~Tab.index` to find out the default index, if not given.


shorter name for this tab to use in the navigation bar. By default the regular name is used


parent of this tab. This is used to position this tab in the navigation bar.


list of child :class:`Tabs <~gwsumm.tabs.Tab>` of this one. This is used to position this tab in the navigation bar.


name of containing group for this tab in the navigation bar dropdown menu. This is only relevant if this tab has a parent.


base output directory for this tab (should be the same directory for all tabs in this run).

classmethod from_ini(cp, section, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Configure a new ExternalTab from a ConfigParser section


configuration to parse.


name of section to read

See also


for documentation of the standard configuration options


On top of the standard configuration options, the ExternalTab can be configured with the url option, specifying the URL of the external content to be included:

name = External data
type = external
url =

Build the #main div for this tab.


HTML content to be wrapped


A new page with the input content wrapped as

type = 'external'
property url

Write the HTML page for this tab.

See also


for details of all valid keyword

class gwsumm.tabs.builtin.PlotTab(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Tab

A simple tab to layout some figures in the #main div.


name of this tab (required)

plotslist, optional

list of plots to display on this tab. More plots can be added at any time via :meth:`PlotTab.add_plot`

layoutint, list, optional

the number of plots to display in each row, or a list of numbers to define each row individually. If the number of plots defined by the layout is less than the total number of plots, the layout for the final row will be repeated as necessary.

For example layout=[1, 2, 3] will display a single plot on the top row, two plots on the second, and 3 plots on each row thereafter., str, optional

content to include in the #main HTML before the plots, str, optional

content to include in the #main HTML after the plots

indexstr, optional

HTML file in which to write. By default each tab is written to an index.html file in its own directory. Use :attr:`~Tab.index` to find out the default index, if not given.

shortnamestr, optional

shorter name for this tab to use in the navigation bar. By default the regular name is used

parent:class:`~gwsumm.tabs.Tab`, optional

parent of this tab. This is used to position this tab in the navigation bar.

childrenlist, optional

list of child :class:`Tabs <~gwsumm.tabs.Tab>` of this one. This is used to position this tab in the navigation bar.

groupstr, optional

name of containing group for this tab in the navigation bar dropdown menu. This is only relevant if this tab has a parent.

pathstr, optional,

base output directory for this tab (should be the same directory for all tabs in this run).


Add a plot to this tab.

plotstr, :class:`~gwsumm.plot.SummaryPlot`

either the URL of a plot to embed, or a formatted SummaryPlot object.

property afterword

HTML content to be included after the plots

property foreword

HTML content to be included before the plots

classmethod from_ini(cp, section, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Define a new tab from a :class:`~gwsumm.config.GWConfigParser`


customised configuration parser containing given section


name of section to parse


a new tab defined from the configuration


Build the #main div for this tab.


HTML content to be wrapped


A new page with the input content wrapped as

property layout

List of how many plots to display on each row in the output.

By default this is 1 if the tab contains only 1 or 3 plots, or 2 if otherwise. The final number given in the list will be repeated as necessary.


list of ints <int>

scaffold_plots(plots=None, state=None, layout=None, aclass='fancybox', **fbkw)[source]

Build a grid of plots using bootstrap’s scaffolding.


formatted markup with grid of plots


Set the plot scaffolding layout for this tab

lint, list of int

the desired scaffold layout, one of

  • an int, indicating the number of plots on every row, or

  • a list, indicating the number of plots on each row, with the final int repeated for any remaining rows; each entry should be an int or a pair of int indicating the number of plots on this row AND the desired the scaling of this row, see the examples…


To layout 2 plots on each row

>>> tab.set_layout(2)


>>> tab.set_layout([2])

To layout 2 plots on the first row, and 3 on all other rows

>>> tab.set_layout((2, 3))

To layout 2 plots on the first row, and 1 on the second row BUT have it the same size as plots on a 2-plot row

>>> tab.set_layout((2, (1, 2))
type = 'plots'
write_html(foreword=None, afterword=None, **kwargs)[source]

Write the HTML page for this tab.

forewordstr, :class:``, optional

content to place above the plot grid, defaults to :attr:`PlotTab.foreword`

afterwordstr, :class:``, optional

content to place below the plot grid, defaults to :attr:`PlotTab.afterword`


other keyword arguments to be passed through :meth:`~Tab.write_html`

See also


for details of all valid unnamed keyword arguments

class gwsumm.tabs.builtin.StateTab(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: PlotTab

Tab with multiple content pages defined via ‘states’

Each state is printed to its own HTML file which is loaded via javascript upon request into the #main div of the index for the tab.


name of this tab (required)


a list of states for this tab. Each state can take any form, but must be castable to a str in order to be printed.


list of plots to display on this tab. More plots can be added at any time via :meth:`PlotTab.add_plot`

layoutint, list

the number of plots to display in each row, or a list of numbers to define each row individually. If the number of plots defined by the layout is less than the total number of plots, the layout for the final row will be repeated as necessary.

For example layout=[1, 2, 3] will display a single plot on the top row, two plots on the second, and 3 plots on each row thereafter.


HTML file in which to write. By default each tab is written to an index.html file in its own directory. Use :attr:`~Tab.index` to find out the default index, if not given.


shorter name for this tab to use in the navigation bar. By default the regular name is used


parent of this tab. This is used to position this tab in the navigation bar.


list of child :class:`Tabs <~gwsumm.tabs.Tab>` of this one. This is used to position this tab in the navigation bar.


name of containing group for this tab in the navigation bar dropdown menu. This is only relevant if this tab has a parent.


base output directory for this tab (should be the same directory for all tabs in this run).

add_state(state, default=False)[source]

Add a SummaryState to this tab

statestr, :class:`~gwsumm.state.SummaryState`

either the name of a state, or a SummaryState.

registerbool, default: False

automatically register all new states

property defaultstate
property frames
classmethod from_ini(cp, section, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Define a new tab from a :class:`~gwsumm.config.GWConfigParser`


customised configuration parser containing given section


name of section to parse


a new tab defined from the configuration

static html_content(frame)[source]

Build the #main div for this tab.

In this construction, the <div id=”id_”> is empty, with a javascript hook to load the given frame into the div when ready.

html_navbar(help_=None, **kwargs)[source]

Build the navigation bar for this Tab.

The navigation bar will consist of a switch for this page linked to other interferometer servers, followed by the navbar brand, then the full dropdown-based navigation menus configured for the given tabs and their descendents.

help_str, :class:``

content for upper-right of navbar

ifostr, optional

prefix for this IFO.

ifomapdict, optional

dict of (ifo, {base url}) pairs to map to summary pages for other IFOs.

tabslist, optional

list of parent tabs (each with a list of children) to include in the navigation bar.


a markup page containing the navigation bar.

property states

The set of :class:`states <gwsumm.state.SummaryState>` over whos times this tab’s data will be processed.

The set of states will be linked in the given order with a switch on the far-right of the HTML navigation bar.

type = 'state'
write_html(title=None, subtitle=None, tabs=[], ifo=None, ifomap={}, help_=None, css={'font-awesome': '', 'font-awesome-solid': '', 'gwbootstrap': ''}, js={'bootstrap': '', 'datepicker': '', 'fancybox': '', 'gwbootstrap': '', 'jquery': '', 'jquery-ui': '', 'moment': ''}, about=None, footer=None, **inargs)[source]

Write the HTML page for this state Tab.

maincontentstr, :class:``

simple string content, or a structured page of markup to embed as the content of the #main div.

titlestr, optional, default: {}

level 1 heading for this Tab.

subtitlestr, optional, default: {}

level 2 heading for this Tab.

tabs: `list`, optional

list of top-level tabs (with children) to populate navbar

ifostr, optional

prefix for this IFO.

ifomapdict, optional

dict of (ifo, {base url}) pairs to map to summary pages for other IFOs.

help_str, :class:``, optional

non-menu content for navigation bar, defaults to calendar

csslist, optional

list of resolvable URLs for CSS files. See gwsumm.html.static.CSS for the default list.

jslist, optional

list of resolvable URLs for javascript files. See gwumm.html.JS for the default list.

aboutstr, optional

href for the ‘About’ page


user-defined content for the footer (placed below everything else)


other keyword arguments to pass to the :meth:`~Tab.build_inner_html` method

write_state_html(state, pre=None, post=None, plots=True)[source]

Write the frame HTML for the specific state of this tab


SummaryState over which to generate inner HTML