Source code for gwsumm.tests.test_plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2013)
# This file is part of GWSumm.
# GWSumm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GWSumm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GWSumm.  If not, see <>.

"""Tests for `gwsumm.plot`


import os
import pytest

from configparser import ConfigParser

from gwpy.detector import ChannelList
from gwpy.plot import Plot
from gwpy.plot.tex import has_tex
from gwpy.segments import Segment

from .. import plot as gwsumm_plot
from ..channels import get_channel

from matplotlib import use

# backend-dependent imports
from matplotlib import (rcParams, rc_context)  # noqa: E402

__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod <>'

    'text.usetex': False,

# -- gwsumm.plot.registry -----------------------------------------------------

[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize('name, plot', [ (None, gwsumm_plot.SummaryPlot), ('\'data\'', gwsumm_plot.DataPlot), ]) def test_get_plot(name, plot): assert gwsumm_plot.get_plot(name) is plot with pytest.raises(ValueError): gwsumm_plot.get_plot('dfskaewf')
[docs] def test_registry_plot(): class TestPlot(object): type = 'test' pass gwsumm_plot.register_plot(TestPlot) with pytest.raises(ValueError): gwsumm_plot.register_plot(TestPlot) gwsumm_plot.register_plot(TestPlot, force=True) assert gwsumm_plot.get_plot('test') is TestPlot gwsumm_plot.register_plot(TestPlot, name='test-with-name') assert gwsumm_plot.get_plot('test-with-name') is TestPlot
# -- gwsumm.plot.utils --------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize('column, label', [ ('test', 'Test'), ('rho', r'$\rho$'), ('frequency', 'Frequency [Hz]'), ('mchirp', r'Chirp mass [M$_\odot$]'), ]) def test_get_column_label(column, label): assert gwsumm_plot.get_column_label(column) == label
# -- gwsumm.plot.core ---------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class TestSummaryPlot(object): TYPE = None DEFAULT_ARGS = [] DEFAULT_KWARGS = {}
[docs] @classmethod def setup_class(cls): cls.PLOT = gwsumm_plot.get_plot(cls.TYPE)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, *args, **kwargs): if args or kwargs: return cls.PLOT(*args, **kwargs) return cls.PLOT(*cls.DEFAULT_ARGS, **cls.DEFAULT_KWARGS)
[docs] @classmethod @pytest.fixture() def plot(cls): return cls.create()
[docs] def test_init(self): plot = self.PLOT(href='test.png') assert plot.href == 'test.png' assert plot.src == plot.href assert is True assert plot.caption == '' plot = self.PLOT(href='test.png', src='other.png') assert plot.src == 'other.png'
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize('url, href', [ (None, None), ('', ''), ('test//test.png', os.path.normpath('test/test.png')), ]) def test_href(self, plot, url, href): plot.href = url assert plot.href == href
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize('isnew, new', [ (True, True), (False, False), (100, True), ]) def test_new(self, plot, isnew, new): = isnew assert is new
[docs] def test_src(self, plot): plot.href = 'test.html' assert plot.src == 'test.html' plot.src = 'test.png' assert plot.src == 'test.png'
[docs] def test_eq(self, plot): other = self.create() assert plot == other plot.href = 'test.png' other.href = 'test2.png' assert plot != other assert plot != 1
[docs] def test_repr(self, plot): plot.href = 'test.png' assert repr(plot) == '<{0}(test.png)>'.format(self.PLOT.__name__)
[docs] def test_str(self, plot): plot.href = 'test.png' assert str(plot) == 'test.png'
[docs] class TestDataPlot(TestSummaryPlot): TYPE = 'data' DEFAULT_ARGS = [['X1:TEST-CHANNEL', 'Y1:TEST-CHANNEL2'], 0, 100]
[docs] def test_init(self): plot = self.PLOT('X1:TEST', 0, 100, blah=4) assert plot._channels == ['X1:TEST'] assert plot.span == (0, 100) assert plot.pargs == {'blah': 4}
# -- properties -----------------------------
[docs] def test_span(self, plot): assert isinstance(plot.span, Segment) assert plot.span == (0, 100)
[docs] def test_start(self, plot): assert plot.start == 0
[docs] def test_end(self, plot): assert plot.end == 100
[docs] def test_state(self, plot): assert plot.state is None
[docs] def test_channels(self, plot): assert isinstance(plot.channels, ChannelList) assert plot.channels[0] is get_channel(self.DEFAULT_ARGS[0][0])
[docs] def test_allchannels(self, plot): assert plot.allchannels == plot.channels plot.channels = ['X1:TEST', 'Y1:TEST', 'X1:TEST'] assert len(plot.channels) == 3 assert len(plot.allchannels) == 2
[docs] def test_ifos(self, plot): assert plot.ifos == {'X1', 'Y1'}
[docs] def test_tag(self, plot): assert plot.tag == 'MULTI_3602E9_DATA' plot.tag = 'TEST' assert plot.tag == 'TEST' plot.tag = None assert plot.tag == 'MULTI_3602E9_DATA'
[docs] def test_outputfile(self, plot): assert plot.outputfile == './X1Y1-MULTI_3602E9_DATA-0-100.png'
[docs] def test_href(self, plot): assert plot.href == plot.outputfile plot.href = 'test.png' assert plot.href == 'test.png'
# -- methods --------------------------------
[docs] def test_add_channel(self): plot = self.PLOT([], 0, 1) assert len(plot.channels) == 0 plot.add_channel('Z1:TEST-CHANNEL') assert len(plot.channels) == 1 assert plot.channels[-1] is get_channel('Z1:TEST-CHANNEL')
[docs] def test_get_channel_groups(self): plot = self.PLOT(['X1:TEST.mean', 'X1:TEST.max', 'X1:TEST.min', 'Y1:TEST', 'G1:TEST-av', 'G1:TEST-min'], 0, 1) assert plot.get_channel_groups() == [ ('X1:TEST', [get_channel('X1:TEST.mean'), get_channel('X1:TEST.min'), get_channel('X1:TEST.max')]), ('Y1:TEST', [get_channel('Y1:TEST')]), ('G1:TEST', [get_channel('G1:TEST-av'), get_channel('G1:TEST-min')]), ]
[docs] def test_from_ini(self): cp = ConfigParser() cp.add_section('plot') cp.set('plot', 'type', self.PLOT.type) cp.set('plot', 'channels', 'X1:TEST,Y1:TEST') cp.set('plot', 'marker', 'o') cp.set('plot', 'figure.figsize', '2, 1') plot = self.PLOT.from_ini(cp, 'plot', 0, 100) assert plot.span == (0, 100) assert plot.channels == [get_channel('X1:TEST'), get_channel('Y1:TEST')] assert plot.pargs == {'marker': 'o'} assert plot.rcParams['figure.figsize'] == (2, 1) cp.set('plot', 'type', 'blah') with pytest.warns(UserWarning): self.PLOT.from_ini(cp, 'plot', 0, 100)
[docs] def test_parse_legend_kwargs(self, plot): plot.pargs = {'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'legend-c': 'test'} assert plot.parse_legend_kwargs() == {'c': 'test'}
[docs] def test_parse_plot_kwargs(self, plot): plot.pargs = { 'a': 1, # ignored (not a valid Axes.plot() param) 'alpha': .8, # mapped to each channel 'colors': '\'red\', \'green\'', # evaluated as tuple 'linestyle': ['-', '--'], # as is 'labels': '[t.ifo for t in plot.channels]', # eval'd with Plot 'labels': '[t.ifo for t in plot.channels]', # eval'd with Plot } assert plot.parse_plot_kwargs() == [ {'alpha': .8, 'color': 'red', 'linestyle': '-', 'label': 'X1'}, {'alpha': .8, 'color': 'green', 'linestyle': '--', 'label': 'Y1'}, ]
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize('usetex, result', [ (False, [{'label': r'TEST_WITH_UNDERSCORE'}, {'label': r'TEST_QUOTED'}]), pytest.param( True, [{'label': r'TEST\_WITH\_UNDERSCORE'}, {'label': r'TEST\_QUOTED'}], marks=pytest.mark.skipif(not has_tex(), reason='TeX is not available'), ), ]) def test_parse_plot_kwargs_labels(self, plot, usetex, result): with rc_context(rc={'text.usetex': usetex}): plot.pargs = {'labels': ['TEST_WITH_UNDERSCORE', '"TEST_QUOTED"']} assert plot.parse_plot_kwargs() == result
[docs] def test_parse_rcParams(self, plot): pargs = { 'a': 1, 'xtick.labelsize': '4', # should get eval'd to int(4) 'ytick.labelsize': 10, } rcp = plot.parse_rcParams(pargs) assert rcp == {'xtick.labelsize': 4, 'ytick.labelsize': 10} assert plot.rcParams is rcp assert pargs == {'a': 1}
[docs] def test_finalize(self, plot): plot.pargs = {'ylim': (0, 10)} fig = plot.init_plot() ax = fig.gca() ax.set_title('TEST', y=1.0) assert ax.get_ylim() == (0, 10) # check fileformat PDF creates png as well plot.fileformat = 'pdf' try: plot.finalize(close=False) assert os.path.isfile(plot.outputfile) assert os.path.isfile(plot.outputfile.replace('.pdf', '.png')) finally: for p in [plot.outputfile, plot.outputfile.replace('.pdf', '.png')]: if os.path.isfile(p): os.remove(p) plot.fileformat = 'png' # now check normal things try: plot.finalize(close=False) assert ax.title.get_position()[1] == 1. assert ax.get_autoscalex_on() assert not ax.get_autoscaley_on() assert os.path.isfile(plot.outputfile) plot.finalize(close=True) assert ax.get_title() == '' # Axes.cla() called finally: if os.path.isfile(plot.outputfile): os.remove(plot.outputfile)
[docs] def test_apply_parameters(self, plot): fig = Plot() ax = fig.gca() plot.apply_parameters(ax, **{ 'xlim': (10, 20), 'no-blah': 'anything', 'grid': False, }) assert ax.get_xlim() == (10, 20)