Source code for

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2014)
# This file is part of GWSumm
# GWSumm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GWSumm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GWSumm.  If not, see <>

"""Definition of the `AccountingTab`

import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from configparser import NoOptionError

from glue.lal import Cache

from gwpy.segments import (DataQualityDict, SegmentList)

from import html
from gwdetchar.plot import texify

from ..config import GWSummConfigParser
from .registry import (get_tab, register_tab)
from .. import globalv
from import get_timeseries
from ..segments import get_segments
from ..plot.registry import get_plot
from ..utils import vprint

__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod <>'
__all__ = ['AccountingTab']

ParentTab = get_tab('default')

[docs] class AccountingTab(ParentTab): """Summarise the data recorded by the operating mode channels """ type = 'accounting'
[docs] @classmethod def from_ini(cls, config, section, plotdir='plots', **kwargs): new = super(ParentTab, cls).from_ini(config, section, **kwargs) # add information new.plots = [] = config.get(section, 'channel') new.ifo = config.get(section, 'IFO') new.modes = OrderedDict((int(idx), name) for (idx, name) in config.nditems(section) if idx.isdigit()) # ----------- # build plots new.set_layout([2, 2]) new.segmenttag = '%s:%%s' % ( tag =':', 1)[-1].replace('-', '_') groups = type(new.modes)( (idx, name.strip('*')) for (idx, name) in new.modes.items() if int(idx) % 10 == 0) pstates = OrderedDict( (idx, name) for (idx, name) in new.modes.items() if not name.startswith('*')) # parse colors colors = dict( (int(key[6:]), eval(color)) for (key, color) in config.nditems(section) if re.match(r'color-\d+', key)) for flag in pstates: group = int(flag // 10 * 10) if flag not in colors: colors[flag] = colors.get(group, None) # plot segments for flags, ptag in zip([groups, pstates], ['overview', 'details']): segcolors = [colors.get(flag, None) for flag in flags] if not any(segcolors): segcolors = None for state in new.states: new.plots.append(get_plot('segments')( [new.segmenttag % idx for idx in flags], new.span[0], new.span[1], labels=list(flags.values()), state=state, outdir=plotdir, pid='%s_SEGMENTS_%s' % (tag, ptag.upper()), active=segcolors, known={'alpha': 0.1, 'facecolor': 'lightgray'}, title='%s operating mode %s' % (new.ifo, ptag))) # plot pie charts try: explode = list( map(float, config.get(section, 'pie-explode').split(','))) except NoOptionError: explode = None ptag = 'overview' piecolors = [colors.get(flag, None) for flag in groups] if not any(piecolors): piecolors = None for state in new.states: labels = list(groups.values()) new.plots.append(get_plot('segment-pie')( [new.segmenttag % idx for idx in groups], new.span[0], new.span[1], state=state, labels=labels, outdir=plotdir, pid='%s_PIE_%s' % (tag, ptag.upper()), colors=piecolors, explode=explode, title='%s operating mode %s' % (new.ifo, ptag))) shortlabels = ['\n'.join('{0:.9}.'.format(w) if len(w) > 9 else w for w in l.split()) for l in labels] new.plots.append(get_plot('duty')( [new.segmenttag % idx for idx in groups], new.span[0], new.span[1], state=state, labels=shortlabels, outdir=plotdir, pid='%s_SEGMENT_BAR_%s' % (tag, ptag.upper()), colors=piecolors, stacked=True, ylim=[0, 100], ylabel=texify('Percentage [%] of available time'), legend_loc='upper left', legend_bbox_to_anchor=(1., 1), legend_fontsize=12, legend_borderaxespad=0, legend_frameon=False, legend_handlelength=1.0, legend_handletextpad=.5, title='%s operating mode %s' % (new.ifo, ptag))) return new
[docs] def process(self, nds=None, nproc=1, config=GWSummConfigParser(), datacache=None, datafind_error='raise', **kwargs): """Process time accounting data """ for p in self.plots: if p.outputfile in globalv.WRITTEN_PLOTS: = False # get archived GPS time tag = self.segmenttag % list(self.modes)[0] try: lastgps = globalv.SEGMENTS[tag].known[-1][-1] except (IndexError, KeyError): lastgps = self.span[0] # get data new = SegmentList([type(self.span)(lastgps, self.span[1])]) data = get_timeseries(, new, config=config, nds=nds, dtype='int16', datafind_error=datafind_error, nproc=nproc, cache=datacache) vprint(" All time-series data loaded\n") # find segments for ts in data: modesegments = DataQualityDict() for idx, name in self.modes.items(): # get segments for state tag = self.segmenttag % idx instate = ts == idx * ts.unit modesegments[tag] = instate.to_dqflag(name=name.strip('*')) # append segments for group group = int(idx // 10. * 10) gtag = self.segmenttag % group try: modesegments[gtag] += modesegments[tag] except KeyError: modesegments[gtag] = modesegments[tag] globalv.SEGMENTS += modesegments kwargs['segdb_error'] = 'ignore' super(AccountingTab, self).process( config=config, nds=nds, nproc=nproc, segmentcache=Cache(), datacache=datacache, datafind_error=datafind_error, **kwargs)
[docs] def write_state_html(self, state): """Write the HTML for the given state of this `GuardianTab` """ page = self.scaffold_plots(state=state) page.div(class_='row') page.div(class_='col-md-12') # get segment data groups = type(self.modes)((idx, name) for idx, name in self.modes.items() if idx % 10 == 0) modes = type(self.modes)( (idx, name) for idx, name in self.modes.items() if not name.startswith('*')) headers = ['Index', 'Name', 'Active seconds', 'Hours', '%'] prefix = self.ifo.lower() for flags, title, id in zip( [groups, modes], ['Top-level mode information', 'Detailed mode information'], ['%s-top-level-mode' % prefix, '%s-detailed-mode' % prefix]): page.h1(title, class_='mt-4') data = [] pc = float(abs( / 100.) tots = 0 toth = 0 totp = 0 for idx, name in flags.items(): flag = get_segments(self.segmenttag % idx,, query=False).copy() actives = abs( activeh = actives / 3600. try: activep = actives / pc except ZeroDivisionError: activep = 0 tots += actives toth += activeh totp += activep data.append([str(idx), name.strip('*'), '%.1f' % actives, '%.1f' % activeh, '%.1f' % activep]) data.append(['<strong>%s</strong>' % x for x in [ '', 'Total:', '%.1f' % tots, '%.1f' % toth, '%.1f' % totp]]) page.add(str(html.table( headers, data, id=id, caption="%s observatory mode statistics as recorded in " "<samp>%s</samp>" % (title.split()[0], return super(ParentTab, self).write_state_html(state, plots=False, pre=page)