Source code for gwsumm.plot.triggers.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2013)
# This file is part of GWSumm.
# GWSumm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GWSumm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GWSumm.  If not, see <>.

"""Definitions for event trigger plots

import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import cycle

from numpy import isinf

from astropy.units import Quantity

from gwpy.detector import (Channel, ChannelList)
from gwpy.plot.gps import GPSTransform
from gwpy.plot.utils import (color_cycle, marker_cycle)
from gwpy.segments import SegmentList

from gwdetchar.plot import texify

from ... import globalv
from ...channels import get_channel
from import (get_timeseries, add_timeseries)
from ..registry import (get_plot, register_plot)
from ...triggers import (get_triggers, get_time_column)
from ...utils import re_cchar
from ..utils import (get_column_string, hash)

__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod <>'

TimeSeriesDataPlot = get_plot('timeseries')

    '>=': r'\geq',
    '<=': r'\leq',

[docs] class TriggerPlotMixin(object): """Mixin to overwrite `channels` property for trigger plots We don't need to get channel data for trigger plots. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.filterstr = kwargs.pop('filterstr', None) super(TriggerPlotMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def allchannels(self): """List of all unique channels for this plot """ chans = set([re.split(r'[#@]', str(c), 1)[0] for c in self._channels]) return ChannelList(map(Channel, chans)) @property def pid(self): try: return self._pid except AttributeError: chans = "".join(map(str, self.channels)) filts = "".join(map(str, [ getattr(c, 'filter', getattr(c, 'frequency_response', '')) for c in self.channels])) if self.filterstr: filts += self.filterstr self._pid = hash(chans + filts) return
[docs] class TriggerDataPlot(TriggerPlotMixin, TimeSeriesDataPlot): """Standard event trigger plot """ type = 'triggers' data = 'triggers' defaults = TimeSeriesDataPlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'x': 'time', 'y': 'snr', 'color': None, 'edgecolor': 'face', 'facecolor': None, 'marker': 'o', 's': 20, 'vmin': None, 'vmax': None, 'clim': None, 'cmap': 'YlGnBu', 'logcolor': False, 'colorlabel': None, }) def __init__(self, channels, start, end, state=None, outdir='.', etg=None, **kwargs): if (len(channels) == 1) and ('title' not in kwargs): kwargs['title'] = texify('%s (%s)' % (str(channels[0]), etg)) super(TriggerDataPlot, self).__init__(channels, start, end, state=state, outdir=outdir, **kwargs) self.etg = etg self.columns = [self.pargs.pop(c) for c in ('x', 'y', 'color')] @property def pid(self): """Unique identifier for this `TriggerDataPlot`. Extends the standard `TimeSeriesDataPlot` pid with the ETG and each of the column names. """ try: return self._pid except AttributeError: super(TriggerDataPlot, self).pid self._pid += '_%s' % re_cchar.sub('_', self.etg) for column in self.columns: if column: self._pid += '_%s' % re_cchar.sub('_', str(column)) self._pid = self._pid.upper() return @pid.setter def pid(self, id_): self._pid = str(id_)
[docs] def draw(self): # get columns xcolumn, ycolumn, ccolumn = self.columns # initialise figure plot = self.init_plot() ax = plot.gca() ax.grid(visible=True, which='both') # work out labels labels = self.pargs.pop('labels', self.channels) if isinstance(labels, str): labels = labels.split(',') labels = [str(s).strip('\n ') for s in labels] # get colouring params cmap = self.pargs.pop('cmap') clim = self.pargs.pop('clim', self.pargs.pop('colorlim', None)) cnorm = 'log' if self.pargs.pop('logcolor', False) else None clabel = self.pargs.pop('colorlabel', None) no_loudest = self.pargs.pop('no-loudest', False) is not False loudest_by = self.pargs.pop('loudest-by', None) # get plot arguments plotargs = [] for i in range(len(self.channels)): plotargs.append(dict()) # get plot arguments for key in ['vmin', 'vmax', 'edgecolor', 'facecolor', 'cmap', 's', 'marker', 'rasterized', 'sortbycolor']: try: val = self.pargs.pop(key) except KeyError: continue if key == 'facecolor' and len(self.channels) > 1 and val is None: val = color_cycle() if key == 'marker' and len(self.channels) > 1 and val is None: val = marker_cycle() elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple, cycle)): val = cycle(val) else: val = cycle([val] * len(self.channels)) for i in range(len(self.channels)): plotargs[i][key] = next(val) # add data valid = SegmentList([self.span]) if self.state and not self.all_data: valid &= ntrigs = 0 for channel, label, pargs in zip(self.channels, labels, plotargs): try: channel = get_channel(channel) except ValueError: pass if '#' in str(channel) or '@' in str(channel): key = '%s,%s' % (str(channel), self.state and str(self.state) or 'All') else: key = str(channel) table = get_triggers(key, self.etg, valid, query=False) if self.filterstr is not None: table = table.filter(self.filterstr) ntrigs += len(table) # access channel parameters for limits for c, column in zip(('x', 'y', 'c'), (xcolumn, ycolumn, ccolumn)): if not column: continue # hack for SnglBurst frequency nonsense if column in ['peak_frequency', 'central_freq']: column = 'frequency' # set x and y in plotargs param = '%s_range' % column lim = '%slim' % c if (getattr(channel, param, None) is not None and c in ('x', 'y')): self.pargs.setdefault(lim, getattr(channel, param)) if isinstance(self.pargs[lim], Quantity): self.pargs[lim] = self.pargs[lim].value # set clim separately elif hasattr(channel, param): if not clim: clim = getattr(channel, param) ax.scatter(table[xcolumn], table[ycolumn], c=table[ccolumn] if ccolumn else None, label=label, **pargs) # customise plot legendargs = self.parse_legend_kwargs(markerscale=3) if len(self.channels) == 1: self.pargs.setdefault('title', texify( '%s (%s)' % (str(self.channels[0]), self.etg))) for axis in ('x', 'y'): # prevent zeros on log scale scale = getattr(ax, 'get_{0}scale'.format(axis))() lim = getattr(ax, 'get_{0}lim'.format(axis))() if scale == 'log' and lim[0] <= 0 and not ntrigs: getattr(ax, 'set_{0}lim'.format(axis))(1, 10) self.apply_parameters(ax, **self.pargs) # correct log-scale empty axes if any(map(isinf, ax.get_ylim())): ax.set_ylim(0.1, 10) # add colorbar if ccolumn: if not ntrigs: ax.scatter([1], [1], c=[1], visible=False) ax.colorbar(cmap=cmap, clim=clim, norm=cnorm, label=clabel) if len(self.channels) == 1 and len(table) and not no_loudest: columns = [x for x in (loudest_by or ccolumn or ycolumn, xcolumn, ycolumn, ccolumn) if x is not None] self.add_loudest_event(ax, table, *columns, fontsize='large') if len(self.channels) > 1: ax.legend(**legendargs) # add state segments if isinstance(ax.xaxis.get_transform(), GPSTransform): self.add_state_segments(ax) self.add_future_shade() # finalise return self.finalize()
[docs] def add_loudest_event(self, ax, table, rank, *columns, **kwargs): # get loudest row idx = table[rank].argmax() row = table[idx] x = float(row[columns[0]]) y = float(row[columns[1]]) # clip loudest event to axes limits xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() x1 = max(min(x, xlim[1]), xlim[0]) y1 = max(min(y, ylim[1]), ylim[0]) if x1 != x or y1 != y: # loudest event is out of view facecolor = 'pink' clipon = False else: facecolor = 'gold' clipon = True # mark loudest row with star coll = ax.scatter([x1], [y1], marker='*', zorder=1000, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor='black', s=200, clip_on=clipon) # get text txt = [] for col in OrderedDict.fromkeys((rank,) + columns): # unique ordered # format column name colstr = get_column_string(col) # format row value try: valstr = f"{row[col]:.2f}".rstrip('.0') except ValueError: # not float()able valstr = str(row[col]) txt.append(f'{colstr} = {valstr}') # get position for new text try: pos = kwargs.pop('position') except KeyError: # user didn't specify, set default above title tpos = ax.title.get_position() pos = [tpos[0], tpos[1]+0.09] # parse text kwargs text_kw = { # defaults 'transform': ax.transAxes, 'verticalalignment': 'bottom', 'horizontalalignment': 'center', } text_kw.update(kwargs) if 'ha' in text_kw: # handle short versions or alignment params text_kw['horizontalalignment'] = text_kw.pop('ha') if 'va' in text_kw: text_kw['verticalalignment'] = text_kw.pop('va') # add text text = ax.text(pos[0], pos[1], f"Loudest event: {', '.join(txt)}", **text_kw) return coll, text
[docs] class TriggerTimeSeriesDataPlot(TimeSeriesDataPlot): """Custom time-series plot to handle discontiguous `TimeSeries`. """ type = 'trigger-timeseries' data = 'triggers'
[docs] def draw(self): """Read in all necessary data, and generate the figure. """ plot = self.init_plot() ax = plot.gca() # work out labels labels = self.pargs.pop('labels', self.channels) if isinstance(labels, str): labels = labels.split(',') labels = [str(s).strip('\n ') for s in labels] # add data for label, channel in zip(labels, self.channels): label = texify(label) if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) data = get_timeseries(channel, valid, query=False) # handle no timeseries if not len(data): ax.plot([0], [0], visible=False, label=label) continue # plot time-series color = None for ts in data: # double-check log scales if self.logy: ts.value[ts.value == 0] = 1e-100 if color is None: line = ax.plot(ts, label=label)[0] color = line.get_color() else: ax.plot(ts, color=color, label=None) # allow channel data to set parameters if hasattr(data[0].channel, 'amplitude_range'): self.pargs.setdefault('ylim', data[0].channel.amplitude_range) # add horizontal lines to add for yval in self.pargs['hline']: try: yval = float(yval) except ValueError: continue else: ax.plot([self.start, self.end], [yval, yval], linestyle='--', color='red') # customise plot legendargs = self.parse_legend_kwargs() self.apply_parameters(ax, **self.pargs) if len(self.channels) > 1: ax.legend(**legendargs) # finalise self.add_state_segments(ax) return self.finalize()
[docs] class TriggerHistogramPlot(TriggerPlotMixin, get_plot('histogram')): """HistogramPlot from a LIGO_LW Table """ type = 'trigger-histogram' data = 'triggers' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TriggerHistogramPlot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.etg = self.pargs.pop('etg') self.column = self.pargs.pop('column') @property def pid(self): try: return self._pid except AttributeError: etg = re_cchar.sub('_', self.etg).upper() self._pid = '%s_%s' % (etg, super(TriggerHistogramPlot, self).pid) if self.column: self._pid += '_%s' % re_cchar.sub('_', self.column).upper() return @pid.setter def pid(self, id_): self._pid = str(id_)
[docs] def draw(self): """Get data and generate the figure. """ # get histogram parameters plot = self.init_plot() ax = plot.gca() # extract histogram arguments histargs = self.parse_plot_kwargs() legendargs = self.parse_legend_kwargs() # add data data = [] livetime = [] for channel in self.channels: try: channel = get_channel(channel) except ValueError: pass if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) if '#' in str(channel) or '@' in str(channel): key = '%s,%s' % (str(channel), self.state and str(self.state) or 'All') else: key = str(channel) table_ = get_triggers(key, self.etg, valid, query=False) if self.filterstr is not None: table_ = table_.filter(self.filterstr) livetime.append(float(abs(table_.meta['segments']))) data.append(table_[self.column]) # allow channel data to set parameters if hasattr(channel, 'amplitude_range'): self.pargs.setdefault('xlim', channel.amplitude_range) # plot for arr, d, pargs in zip(data, livetime, histargs): # set range if not given if pargs.get('range') is None: pargs['range'] = self._get_range( d, # use range from first dataset if already calculated range=histargs[0].get('range'), # use xlim if manually set (user or INI) xlim=None if ax.get_autoscalex_on() else ax.get_xlim(), ) pargs.setdefault('label', None) if pargs.get('log', True): pargs.setdefault('bottom', 1e-200) ax.hist(arr, **pargs) # tight scale the axes try: d = pargs.pop('orientation', 'vertical') except NameError: pass else: if d == 'vertical': ax.autoscale_view(tight=True, scaley=False) elif d == 'horizontal': ax.autoscale_view(tight=True, scalex=False) # customise plot self.apply_parameters(ax, **self.pargs) if len(self.channels) > 1: ax.legend(**legendargs) # finalise return self.finalize()
[docs] class TriggerRateDataPlot(TriggerPlotMixin, TimeSeriesDataPlot): """TimeSeriesDataPlot of trigger rate. """ type = 'trigger-rate' data = 'triggers' defaults = TimeSeriesDataPlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'column': None, 'legend-bbox_to_anchor': (1., 1.), 'legend-loc': 'upper left', 'legend-markerscale': 3, 'legend-frameon': False, 'ylabel': 'Rate [Hz]', }) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'stride' not in kwargs: raise ValueError("'stride' must be configured for all rate plots.") if 'column' in kwargs and 'bins' not in kwargs: raise ValueError("'bins' must be configured for rate plots if " "'column' is given.") super(TriggerRateDataPlot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.etg = self.pargs.pop('etg') self.column = self.pargs.pop('column') @property def pid(self): try: return self._pid except AttributeError: etg = re_cchar.sub('_', self.etg).upper() pid = '%s_%s' % (etg, super(TriggerRateDataPlot, self).pid) if self.column: += '_%s' % re_cchar.sub('_', self.column).upper() return pid @pid.setter def pid(self, id_): self._pid = str(id_)
[docs] def draw(self): """Read in all necessary data, and generate the figure. """ # get rate arguments stride = self.pargs.pop('stride') if self.column: cname = get_column_string(self.column) bins = self.pargs.pop('bins') operator = self.pargs.pop('operator', '>=') try: opstr = LATEX_OPERATOR[operator] except KeyError: opstr = str(operator) else: bins = ['_'] # work out labels labels = self.pargs.pop('labels', None) if isinstance(labels, str): labels = labels.split(',') elif labels is None and self.column and len(self.channels) > 1: labels = [] for channel, bin_ in [(c, b) for c in self.channels for b in bins]: labels.append(r' '.join([channel, '$%s$' % opstr, str(bin_)])) self.pargs.setdefault('legend-title', cname) elif labels is None and self.column: labels = [r' '.join(['$%s$' % opstr, str(b)]) for b in bins] self.pargs.setdefault('legend-title', cname) elif labels is None: labels = self.channels self.pargs['labels'] = [str(s).strip('\n ') for s in labels] # get time column tcol = self.pargs.pop('timecolumn', None) # generate data keys = [] for channel in self.channels: if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) if '#' in str(channel) or '@' in str(channel): key = '%s,%s' % (str(channel), str(self.state) if self.state else 'All') else: key = str(channel) table_ = get_triggers(key, self.etg, valid, query=False) if self.filterstr is not None: table_ = table_.filter(self.filterstr) tcol_ = tcol or get_time_column(table_, self.etg) if self.column: rates = list(table_.binned_event_rates( stride, self.column, bins, operator=operator, start=self.start, end=self.end, timecolumn=tcol_).values()) else: rates = [table_.event_rate(stride, start=self.start, end=self.end, timecolumn=tcol_)] for bin, rate in zip(bins, rates): = channel keys.append('%s_%s_EVENT_RATE_%s_%s' % (str(channel), str(self.etg), str(self.column), bin)) if keys[-1] not in globalv.DATA: add_timeseries(rate, keys[-1]) # reset channel lists and generate time-series plot channels = self.channels outputfile = self.outputfile self.channels = keys out = super(TriggerRateDataPlot, self).draw(outputfile=outputfile) self.channels = channels return out