Source code for gwsumm.plot.segments

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2013)
#               Evan Goetz (2023)
# This file is part of GWSumm.
# GWSumm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GWSumm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GWSumm.  If not, see <>.

"""Definitions for the standard plots

import bisect
from itertools import (cycle, combinations)
from numbers import Number
from collections import OrderedDict
from configparser import NoOptionError

import numpy

from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

from matplotlib import rcParams
from matplotlib.artist import setp
from matplotlib.colors import (rgb2hex, is_color_like, TABLEAU_COLORS)
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle

from lal import iterutils

from gwpy.plot.colors import (GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS, tint)
from gwpy.plot.segments import SegmentRectangle
from gwpy.segments import (Segment, SegmentList, DataQualityFlag)
from gwpy.time import (from_gps, to_gps)

from gwdetchar.plot import texify

from .. import globalv
from ..mode import (Mode, get_mode)
from ..utils import (re_quote, get_odc_bitmask, re_flagdiv, safe_eval)
from ..channels import (get_channel, re_channel)
from import get_timeseries
from ..segments import (get_segments, format_padding)
from ..state import ALLSTATE
from .core import (BarPlot, PiePlot, format_label)
from .registry import (get_plot, register_plot)
from .mixins import SegmentLabelSvgMixin
from .utils import hash

__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod <>'

TimeSeriesDataPlot = get_plot('timeseries')
GREEN = '#33cc33'

[docs] def tint_hex(*args, **kwargs): return rgb2hex(tint(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] def common_limits(datasets, default_min=0, default_max=0): """Find the global maxima and minima of a list of datasets. Parameters ---------- datasets : `iterable` list (or any other iterable) of data arrays to analyse. default_min : `float`, optional fall-back minimum value if datasets are all empty. default_max : `float`, optional fall-back maximum value if datasets are all empty. Returns ------- (min, max) : `float` 2-tuple of common minimum and maximum over all datasets. """ if isinstance(datasets, numpy.ndarray) or not numpy.iterable(datasets[0]): datasets = [datasets] max_stat = max(list(iterutils.flatten(datasets)) + [-numpy.inf]) min_stat = min(list(iterutils.flatten(datasets)) + [numpy.inf]) if numpy.isinf(-max_stat): max_stat = default_max if numpy.isinf(min_stat): min_stat = default_min return min_stat, max_stat
[docs] class SegmentDataPlot(SegmentLabelSvgMixin, TimeSeriesDataPlot): """Segment plot of one or more `DataQualityFlags <DataQualityFlag>`. """ type = 'segments' data = 'segments' defaults = TimeSeriesDataPlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'mask': None, 'color': None, 'on-is-bad': False, 'insetlabels': 'inset', 'legend-bbox_to_anchor': (1., 1.), 'legend-loc': 'upper left', 'legend-borderaxespad': 0, 'legend-fontsize': 12, 'legend-frameon': False, 'legend-handletextpad': .5, }) DRAW_PARAMS = TimeSeriesDataPlot.DRAW_PARAMS + [ 'known', 'height', 'y', 'facecolor', 'edgecolor', ] def __init__(self, flags, start, end, state=None, outdir='.', **kwargs): padding = kwargs.pop('padding', None) super(SegmentDataPlot, self).__init__([], start, end, state=state, outdir=outdir, **kwargs) self._allflags = [] self.flags = flags self.preview_labels = False self.padding = padding
[docs] def get_channel_groups(self, *args, **kwargs): return [(f, [f]) for f in self.flags]
@property def flags(self): return [ for f in self._flags] @flags.setter def flags(self, flist): if isinstance(flist, str): flist = [f.strip('\n ') for f in flist.split(',')] self._flags = [] for f in flist: self.add_flag(f)
[docs] def add_flag(self, f): # append flag to main list if isinstance(f, DataQualityFlag): self._flags.append(f) else: self._flags.append(DataQualityFlag(f)) # append raw flags to 'allflags' property flags = re_flagdiv.split(str(f))[::2] for f in flags: if not f: continue self._allflags.append(DataQualityFlag(f))
@property def allflags(self): return [ for f in self._allflags] @property def padding(self): return OrderedDict((, f.padding) for f in self._allflags) @padding.setter def padding(self, pad): for f, p in format_padding(self._allflags, pad).items(): if isinstance(p, (float, int)): f.padding = (p, p) else: f.padding = p @property def ifos(self): """Interferometer set for this `SegmentDataPlot` """ return set([f.strip('!&-_')[:2] for f in self.allflags]) @property def pid(self): """File pid for this `DataPlot`. """ try: return self._pid except AttributeError: self._pid = hash("".join(map(str, self.flags))) return @pid.setter def pid(self, id_): self._pid = str(id_)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ini(cls, config, section, start, end, flags=None, state=ALLSTATE, **kwargs): # get padding try: kwargs.setdefault( 'padding', config.get(section, 'padding')) except NoOptionError: pass if 'padding' in kwargs: kwargs['padding'] = list(eval(kwargs['padding'])) # build figure new = super(SegmentDataPlot, cls).from_ini(config, section, start, end, state=state, **kwargs) # get flags if flags is None: flags = dict(config.items(section)).pop('flags', []) if isinstance(flags, str): flags = [f.strip('\n ') for f in flags.split(',')] new.flags = flags return new
[docs] def init_plot(self, projection='segments', **kwargs): return super(SegmentDataPlot, self).init_plot( projection=projection, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_segment_color(self): """Parse the configured ``pargs`` and determine the colors for active and valid segments. """ active = safe_eval( self.pargs.pop('active', self.pargs.pop('facecolor', None))) known = safe_eval(self.pargs.pop('known', 0)) # neither known nor active defined if active is None and known == 0: self.pargs['facecolor'] = '#33cc33' self.pargs['known'] = 'red' # only active is defined elif known == 0: if isinstance(active, dict): self.pargs.update(active) active = active.get('facecolor') else: self.pargs['facecolor'] = active if (isinstance(active, str) and active.lower() in ('red', '#ff0000')): self.pargs['known'] = 'dodgerblue' else: self.pargs['known'] = 'red' # only known is defined elif active is None: self.pargs['known'] = known if known in ['#33cc33', 'green', 'g']: self.pargs['facecolor'] = 'dodgerblue' else: self.pargs['facecolor'] = '#33cc33' # both are given else: if isinstance(active, dict): self.pargs.update(active) else: self.pargs['facecolor'] = active self.pargs['known'] = known # format defaults self.pargs.setdefault('height', .8) if isinstance(self.pargs['known'], str): self.pargs['known'] = {'facecolor': self.pargs['known']} for dtup in (self.pargs, self.pargs['known']): # allow user to give tuple of dicts for 'known' if not isinstance(dtup, (list, tuple)): dtup = [dtup] [SegmentDataPlot._set_default_edgecolor(d) for d in dtup if d is not None] # set default height for known if (isinstance(self.pargs['known'], dict) and isinstance(self.pargs['height'], Number)): self.pargs['known'].setdefault('height', self.pargs['height'] * .5) return self.pargs
@staticmethod def _set_default_edgecolor(pargs): """Set the default edgecolor based on the given facecolor """ fc = pargs.get('facecolor') ec = pargs.get('edgecolor') # if list of colors, map list of edgecolors if (not ec and isinstance(fc, (list, tuple)) and not is_color_like(fc)): pargs['edgecolor'] = [tint_hex(x, factor=.5) for x in fc] # otherwise map single color elif fc and not ec: pargs['edgecolor'] = tint_hex(fc, factor=.5)
[docs] def parse_plot_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs): self.get_segment_color() return super(SegmentDataPlot, self).parse_plot_kwargs(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def draw(self): # get labelsize labelsize = self.pargs.pop('labelsize', 12) if self.pargs.get('insetlabels', True) is False: rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = labelsize # create figure plot = self.init_plot() ax = plot.gca() # extract plotting arguments legendargs = self.parse_legend_kwargs() plotargs = self.parse_plot_kwargs() legcolors = plotargs[0].copy() # plot segments for i, (flag, pargs) in enumerate( list(zip(self.flags, plotargs))[::-1]): label = re_quote.sub('', pargs.pop('label', str(flag))) if (self.fileformat == 'svg' and not str(flag) in label and ax.get_insetlabels()): label = '%s [%s]' % (label, str(flag)) elif self.fileformat == 'svg' and not str(flag) in label: label = '[%s] %s' % (label, str(flag)) if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) segs = get_segments(flag, validity=valid, query=False, padding=self.padding).coalesce() if self.pargs.get('on-is-bad', False): segs = ~segs pargs.setdefault('known', None) pargs.setdefault('y', i) ax.plot(segs, label=label, **pargs) # make custom legend if legcolors.get('known', None): self.add_legend(ax, legcolors, **legendargs) # customise plot if ax.get_autoscaley_on(): self.pargs['ylim'] = (-.5, len(self.flags) - 0.5) self.apply_parameters(ax, **self.pargs) # finalise self.add_state_segments(ax) self.add_future_shade() return self.finalize()
[docs] def add_legend(self, ax, colors, **kwargs): aface = colors['facecolor'] aedge = colors['edgecolor'] kface = colors['known'] kedge = None if isinstance(kface, dict): kedge = kface['edgecolor'] kface = kface['facecolor'] # draw dummy segments for known, active and edges, and create legend seg = Segment(0, 1) k = SegmentRectangle(seg, 0, facecolor=kface, edgecolor=kedge) a = SegmentRectangle(seg, 0, facecolor=aface, edgecolor=aedge) if aedge not in (None, 'none', aface): t = SegmentRectangle(seg, 0, facecolor=aedge, edgecolor=aedge) return ax.legend([k, a, t], ['Known', 'Active', 'Transition'], **kwargs) return ax.legend([k, a], ['Known', 'Active'], **kwargs)
[docs] class StateVectorDataPlot(TimeSeriesDataPlot): """DataPlot of some `StateVector` data. While technically a sub-class of the `TimeSeriesDataPlot`, for data access and processing reasons, the output shadows that of the `SegmentDataPlot` more closely. """ type = 'statevector' data = 'statevector' defaults = SegmentDataPlot.defaults.copy() DRAW_PARAMS = list(SegmentDataPlot.DRAW_PARAMS) # copy from SegmentDataPlot flag = property(fget=SegmentDataPlot.flags.__get__, fset=SegmentDataPlot.flags.__set__, fdel=SegmentDataPlot.flags.__delete__, doc="""List of flags generated for this `StateVectorDataPlot`.""") get_segment_color = SegmentDataPlot.__dict__['get_segment_color'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(StateVectorDataPlot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.flags = [] @property def pid(self): try: return self._pid except AttributeError: basis = "".join(map(str, self.channels)) if self.pargs.get('bits', None): basis += str(self.pargs['bits']) self._pid = hash(basis) return def _parse_labels(self, defaults=[]): """Pop the labels for plotting from the `pargs` for this Plot This method overrides from the `TimeSeriesDataPlot` in order to set the bit names from the various channels as the defaults in stead of the channel names """ chans = list(zip(*self.get_channel_groups()))[0] labels = list(self.pargs.pop('labels', defaults)) if isinstance(labels, str): labels = labels.split(',') for i, l in enumerate(labels): if isinstance(l, (list, tuple)): labels[i] = list(labels[i]) for j, l2 in enumerate(l): labels[i][j] = format_label(str(l2)) elif isinstance(l, str): labels[i] = format_label(str(l)) while len(labels) < len(chans): labels.append(None) return labels
[docs] def parse_plot_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs): self.get_segment_color() return super(StateVectorDataPlot, self).parse_plot_kwargs( *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def init_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('projection', 'segments') return super(StateVectorDataPlot, self).init_plot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def draw(self): # make font size smaller labelsize = self.rcParams.get('ytick.labelsize', 12) if self.pargs.get('insetlabels', True) is False: rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = labelsize plot = self.init_plot() ax = plot.gca() # get bit setting bits = self.pargs.pop('bits', None) if bits and len(self.channels) > 1: raise ValueError("Specifying 'bits' doesn't work for a " "state-vector plot including multiple channels") # extract plotting arguments extraargs = self.parse_plot_kwargs() # plot segments nflags = 0 for channel, pargs in zip(self.channels[::-1], extraargs[::-1]): if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) channel = get_channel(channel) if bits: bits_ = [x if i in bits else None for (i, x) in enumerate(channel.bits)] else: try: bits_ = channel.bits except AttributeError: m = list(re_channel.findall(str(channel))) if len(m) == 1 and hasattr(get_channel(m[0]), 'bits'): bits_ = get_channel(m[0]).bits else: raise data = get_timeseries(str(channel), valid, query=False, statevector=True) flags = None for stateseries in data: if not stateseries.size: stateseries.epoch = self.start stateseries.dx = 0 if channel.sample_rate is not None: stateseries.sample_rate = channel.sample_rate stateseries.bits = bits_ if 'int' not in str(stateseries.dtype): stateseries = stateseries.astype('uint32') newflags = list(stateseries.to_dqflags().values()) if self.pargs.get('on-is-bad', False): for i, flag in enumerate(newflags): newflags[i] = ~newflags[i] if flags is None: flags = newflags else: for i, flag in enumerate(newflags): flags[i] += flag if flags is None: flags = [DataQualityFlag(b) for b in channel.bits if b not in [None, '']] nflags += len([m for m in bits_ if m is not None]) labels = pargs.pop('label', [None]*len(flags)) if isinstance(labels, str): labels = [labels] while len(labels) < len(flags): labels.append(None) for flag, label in list(zip(flags, labels))[::-1]: kwargs = pargs.copy() if label is not None: kwargs['label'] = label ax.plot(flag, **kwargs) # customise plot if 'ylim' not in self.pargs: self.pargs['ylim'] = (-.5, nflags-.5) self.apply_parameters(ax, **self.pargs) self.add_state_segments(ax) self.add_future_shade() return self.finalize()
[docs] class DutyDataPlot(SegmentDataPlot): """`DataPlot` of the duty-factor for a `SegmentList` """ type = 'duty' data = 'segments' defaults = TimeSeriesDataPlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'alpha': 0.8, 'sep': False, 'side_by_side': False, 'normalized': None, 'cumulative': False, 'stacked': False, 'ylabel': texify('Duty factor [%]'), 'ylim': (0, 100), }) def __init__(self, flags, start, end, state=None, outdir='.', bins=None, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('fileformat', 'png') super(DutyDataPlot, self).__init__(flags, start, end, state=state, outdir=outdir, **kwargs) self.bins = bins @property def pid(self): try: return self._pid except AttributeError: super(DutyDataPlot, self).pid if self.pargs.get('cumulative', False): self._pid += '_CUMULATIVE' return @pid.setter def pid(self, p): self._pid = p
[docs] def parse_plot_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(SegmentDataPlot, self).parse_plot_kwargs(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_bins(self): """Work out the correct histogram binning for this `DutyDataPlot` """ # if not given anything, work it out from the mode if self.bins is None: m = get_mode() duration = float(abs(self.span)) # for year mode, use a month if m == Mode.year or duration >= 86400 * 300: dt = relativedelta(months=1) # for more than 8 weeks, use weeks elif duration >= 86400 * 7 * 8: dt = relativedelta(weeks=1) # for week and month mode, use daily elif m in [Mode.week, Mode.month] or duration >= 86400 * 7: dt = relativedelta(days=1) # for day mode, make hourly duty factor elif m == dt = relativedelta(hours=1) # otherwise provide 10 bins else: dt = relativedelta(seconds=float(abs(self.span))/10.) # if given a float, assume this is the bin size elif isinstance(self.bins, (float, int)): dt = relativedelta(seconds=self.bins) # if we don't have a list, we must have worked out dt if not isinstance(self.bins, (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)): self.bins = [] s = from_gps(self.start) e = from_gps(self.end) while s < e: t = int(to_gps(s + dt) - to_gps(s)) self.bins.append(t) s += dt self.bins = numpy.asarray(self.bins) return self.bins
[docs] def calculate_duty_factor(self, segments, bins=None, cumulative=False, normalized=None): if normalized is None and cumulative: normalized = False elif normalized is None: normalized = 'percent' if normalized == 'percent': normalized = 100. else: normalized = float(normalized) if not bins: bins = self.get_bins() if isinstance(segments, DataQualityFlag): segments = segments.known & duty = numpy.zeros(len(bins)) mean = numpy.zeros(len(bins)) for i in range(len(bins)): bin = SegmentList([Segment(self.start + float(sum(bins[:i])), self.start + float(sum(bins[:i+1])))]) d = float(abs(segments & bin)) if normalized: d *= normalized / bins[i] duty[i] = d mean[i] = duty[:i+1].mean() if cumulative: duty = duty.cumsum() return duty, mean
[docs] def draw(self, outputfile=None): sep = self.pargs.pop('sep', False) if sep: if self.pargs.get('side_by_side'): raise ValueError('DutyDataPlot parameters \'sep\' and ' '\'side_by_side\' should not be used ' 'together') geometry = (len(self.flags), 1) else: geometry = (1, 1) plot = self.init_plot(geometry=geometry, projection='rectilinear', sharex=True) axes = plot.axes # extract plotting arguments style = self.pargs.pop('style', 'bar') stacked = self.pargs.pop('stacked', False) sidebyside = self.pargs.pop('side_by_side', False) normalized = self.pargs.pop('normalized', True) cumulative = self.pargs.pop('cumulative', False) if normalized is None and not cumulative: normalized = 'percent' rollingmean = self.pargs.pop('rolling_mean', not stacked and not cumulative) plotargs = self.parse_plot_kwargs() legendargs = self.parse_legend_kwargs() if sep: legendargs.setdefault('loc', 'upper left') legendargs.setdefault('bbox_to_anchor', (1.01, 1)) legendargs.setdefault('borderaxespad', 0) # work out times and plot mean for legend self.get_bins() times = float(self.start) + numpy.concatenate( ([0], self.bins[:-1].cumsum())) now = bisect.bisect_left(times, globalv.NOW) if rollingmean: axes[0].plot(times[:1], [-1], 'k--', label='Rolling mean') # get bar parameters try: bottom = axes[0].get_ylim()[0] except KeyError: bottom = 0 bottom = numpy.zeros(times.size) + bottom # plot segments if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) for i, (ax, flag, pargs, propc) in enumerate( zip(cycle(axes), self.flags, plotargs, cycle(rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']))): # get segments segs = get_segments(flag, validity=valid, query=False, padding=self.padding) duty, mean = self.calculate_duty_factor( segs, normalized=normalized, cumulative=cumulative) # plot duty cycle if sep and pargs.get('label') == texify(flag): pargs.pop('label', None) elif 'label' in pargs and normalized == 'percent' and not stacked: if legendargs.get('loc', None) in ['upper left', 2]: pargs['label'] = pargs['label'] + '\n' + texify( '[%.1f%%]' % mean[-1]) else: pargs['label'] = pargs['label'] + texify( ' [%.1f%%]' % mean[-1]) color = pargs.pop('color', propc['color']) # plot in relevant style if style == 'line': lineargs = pargs.copy() lineargs.setdefault('drawstyle', 'steps-post') ax.plot(times[:now], duty[:now], color=color, **lineargs) elif style not in ['bar', 'fill']: raise ValueError("Cannot display %s with style=%r" % (type(self).__name__, style)) else: # work out positions if sidebyside: pad = .1 x = 1 - pad * 2 w = pargs.pop('width', 1.) * x / len(self.flags) offset = pad + x/len(self.flags) * (i + 1/2.) elif stacked: offset = .5 w = pargs.pop('width', .9) else: offset = .5 w = pargs.pop('width', 1.) width = w * self.bins[:now] if stacked: height = duty pargs.setdefault('edgecolor', color) else: height = duty - bottom if style == 'fill': width = self.bins[:now] ec = pargs.pop('edgecolor', 'black') pargs['edgecolor'] = 'none' lw = pargs.pop('linewidth', 1) pargs['linewidth'] = 0 + self.bins * offset)[:now], height[:now], bottom=bottom[:now], align='center', width=width, color=color, **pargs) if style == 'fill': ax.plot(times[:now+1], duty[:now+1], drawstyle='steps-post', color=ec, linewidth=lw) # plot mean if rollingmean: t = [self.start] + list(times + self.bins/2.) + [self.end] mean = [mean[0]] + list(mean) + [mean[-1]] ax.plot(t, mean, color=sep and 'k' or color, linestyle='--') # record duty for stacked chart if stacked: bottom += height # customise plot for ax in axes: self.apply_parameters(ax, **self.pargs) if 'hours' in self.pargs.get('ylabel', ax.get_ylabel()): ax.get_yaxis().get_major_locator().set_params( steps=[1, 2, 4, 8]) if sep: # set text ylabel = axes[0].yaxis.get_label() y = axes[-1].get_position().y0 + ( axes[0].get_position().y1 - axes[-1].get_position().y0)/2. t = plot.text(0.04, y, ylabel.get_text(), rotation=90, ha='center', va='center') t.set_fontproperties(ylabel.get_font_properties()) for i, ax in enumerate(axes): ax.set_ylabel('') if i: ax.set_title('') if i < len(axes) - 1: ax.set_xlabel('') setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # add custom legend for mean if rollingmean: axsize = axes[0].get_position().size yoff = 0.01 * axsize[0] / axsize[1] lkwargs = legendargs.copy() lkwargs.update({ 'loc': 'lower right', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1.0, 1. + yoff), 'fontsize': 12, 'borderaxespad': 0, }) leg = axes[0].legend(['Rolling mean'], **lkwargs) if leg.get_frame().get_edgecolor() != 'none': leg.get_frame().set_edgecolor(rcParams['grid.color']) axes[0].add_artist(leg) axes[0].lines[0].set_label('_') # add legend for ax in axes: ax.legend(**legendargs) self.add_state_segments(axes[-1]) self.add_future_shade() return self.finalize(outputfile=outputfile)
[docs] class ODCDataPlot(SegmentLabelSvgMixin, StateVectorDataPlot): """Custom `StateVectorDataPlot` for ODCs with bitmasks """ type = 'odc' data = 'odc' defaults = StateVectorDataPlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'no_summary_bit': False, 'in_mask_color': (.0, .4, 1.), 'masked_off_color': 'red', 'unmasked_off_color': (1.0, 0.7, 0.0), 'legend-loc': 'upper left', 'legend-bbox_to_anchor': (1.01, 1), 'legend-borderaxespad': 0., 'legend-fontsize': 10, }) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): bitmaskc = kwargs.pop('bitmask_channel', None) super(ODCDataPlot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if bitmaskc: self.bitmask = bitmaskc.split(',') else: self.bitmask = list(map(get_odc_bitmask, self.channels))
[docs] def get_bitmask_channels(self): return type(self.channels)(list(map(get_channel, self.bitmask)))
@property def pid(self): try: return self._pid except AttributeError: chans = "".join(map(str, self.channels)) masks = "".join(map(str, self.get_bitmask_channels())) basis = chans + masks if self.pargs.get('bits', None): basis += str(self.pargs["bits"]) self._pid = hash(basis) return
[docs] def draw(self): # make font size smaller labelsize = self.pargs.pop('labelsize', 12) rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = labelsize # make figure plot = self.init_plot() ax = plot.gca() ax.grid(visible=False, which='both', axis='y') # extract plotting arguments nosummary = self.pargs.pop('no_summary_bit', False) activecolor = self.pargs.pop('active', GREEN) edgecolor = self.pargs.pop('edgecolor', 'black') maskoncolor = self.pargs.pop('masked_off_color', 'red') maskoffcolor = self.pargs.pop('unmasked_off_color', (1.0, 0.7, 0.0)) inmaskcolor = self.pargs.pop('in_mask_color', (.0, .4, 1.)) plotargs = {'facecolor': activecolor, 'edgecolor': edgecolor, 'height': .8} legendargs = self.parse_legend_kwargs() # plot segments nflags = 0 for i, (channel, bitmaskchan) in enumerate( zip(self.channels, self.get_bitmask_channels())): if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) # read ODC and bitmask vector data = get_timeseries(str(channel), valid, query=False, statevector=True) bitmask = get_timeseries(bitmaskchan, valid, query=False, statevector=True) # plot bitmask flags = {} # plot bits for type_, svlist in zip(['bitmask', 'data'], [bitmask, data]): flags[type_] = None for stateseries in svlist: if not stateseries.size: stateseries.epoch = self.start stateseries.dx = 0 if channel.sample_rate is not None: stateseries.sample_rate = channel.sample_rate stateseries.bits = channel.bits if 'int' not in str(stateseries.dtype): stateseries = stateseries.astype('uint32') newflags = stateseries.to_dqflags() if flags[type_] is None: flags[type_] = newflags else: for i, flag in newflags.items(): flags[type_][i] += flag i = 0 for i, bit in enumerate(channel.bits): if bit is None or bit == '': continue try: mask = flags['bitmask'][bit].active except TypeError: continue segs = flags['data'][bit] label = '[%s] %s' % (i, # plot summary bit if == channel.bits[0] and not nosummary: summargs = plotargs.copy() summargs['height'] *= 3 ax.plot(segs, y=-nflags - 1, label=label, known=maskoncolor, **summargs) nflags += 2 # plot masks and separate masked/not masked else: maskon = segs.copy() maskon.known &= mask &= mask maskoff = segs.copy() maskoff.known -= mask -= mask # plot mask ax.plot(mask, y=-nflags, facecolor=inmaskcolor, edgecolor='none', height=1., label=None, collection=False, zorder=-1001) # plot mask if maskoff: ax.plot(maskoff, y=-nflags, label=label, known=maskoffcolor, **plotargs) label = None if maskon: ax.plot(maskon, y=-nflags, label=label, known=maskoncolor, **plotargs) label = '[%s] %s' % (i, nflags += 1 # make custom legend epoch = ax.get_epoch() xlim = ax.get_xlim() seg = Segment(self.start - 10, self.start - 9) m = SegmentRectangle(seg, y=0, facecolor=inmaskcolor, edgecolor='none') v = SegmentRectangle(seg, y=0, facecolor=maskoncolor, edgecolor=edgecolor) x = SegmentRectangle(seg, y=0, facecolor=maskoffcolor, edgecolor=edgecolor) a = SegmentRectangle(seg, y=0, facecolor=activecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor) if edgecolor not in [None, 'none']: t = SegmentRectangle(seg, y=0, facecolor=edgecolor) ax.legend([m, v, x, a, t], ['In bitmask', 'Bit masked\nand OFF', 'Bit unmasked\nand OFF', 'Bit ON', 'Transition'], **legendargs) else: ax.legend([m, v, x, a], ['In bitmask', 'Bit masked\nand OFF', 'Bit unmasked\nand OFF', 'Bit ON'], **legendargs) ax.set_epoch(epoch) ax.set_xlim(*xlim) # customise plot if ax.get_autoscaley_on(): # no user-set ylim self.pargs['ylim'] = (-nflags+.5, .5) self.apply_parameters(ax, **self.pargs) # add bit mask axes and finalise self.add_state_segments(ax) self.add_future_shade() out = self.finalize() return out
[docs] class SegmentPiePlot(PiePlot, SegmentDataPlot): type = 'segment-pie' _single_call = True defaults = { 'legend-loc': 'center left', 'legend-bbox_to_anchor': (.8, .5), 'legend-fontsize': 14, 'legend-frameon': False, 'wedge-width': .55, 'wedge-edgecolor': 'white', } parse_plot_kwargs = TimeSeriesDataPlot.parse_plot_kwargs
[docs] def parse_wedge_kwargs(self, defaults=dict()): wedgeargs = defaults.copy() for key in list(self.pargs): if key.startswith('wedge-') or key.startswith('wedge_'): wedgeargs[key[6:]] = self.pargs.pop(key) return wedgeargs
[docs] def draw(self, outputfile=None): plot = self.init_plot(projection='rectilinear') ax = plot.gca() # extract plotting arguments future = self.pargs.pop('include_future', False) legendargs = self.parse_legend_kwargs() wedgeargs = self.parse_wedge_kwargs() plotargs = self.parse_plot_kwargs() # Boolean logic flags to determine if this code is currently running: # - before the span of interest (current time the code is running < # start of span) # - after the span of interest (current time the code is running >= end # of span) # - during the span of interest (any other time) # The flag is set to True for the appropriate noun (before, during, or # after). # These flags are then used to set plot titles and labels and determine # if there is any missing data. before = during = after = False if globalv.NOW < int(self.span[0]): before = True elif globalv.NOW >= int(self.span[1]): after = True else: during = True # use state to generate suptitle with GPS span # this will be different depending on if `include_future` is given # as an option or whether running before, during, or after the time # interval requested if self.state: if future or after: self.pargs.setdefault( 'suptitle', (f'[{self.span[0]}-{self.span[1]}, ' f'state: {texify(str(self.state))}]')) elif before: self.pargs.setdefault( 'suptitle', (f'[{self.span[0]}-{self.span[0]}, ' f'state: {texify(str(self.state))}]')) else: self.pargs.setdefault( 'suptitle', (f'[{self.span[0]}-{globalv.NOW}, ' f'state: {texify(str(self.state))}]')) else: if future or after: self.pargs.setdefault( 'suptitle', f'[{self.span[0]}-{self.span[1]}]') elif before: self.pargs.setdefault( 'suptitle', f'[{self.span[0]}-{self.span[0]}]') else: self.pargs.setdefault( 'suptitle', f'[{self.span[0]}-{globalv.NOW}]') # get segments data = [] alltime = float(abs(self.span)) for flag in self.flags: if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) segs = get_segments(flag, validity=valid, query=False, padding=self.padding).coalesce() data.append(float(abs( # handle missing (undefined) segments # if running before then all the time is future because segments # haven't been generated # if running after then some segments may not cover the whole time # if during, it is somewhere in between total = float(sum(data)) undefined = future_seg = 0 if before: future_seg = alltime elif after: undefined = alltime - total elif during: future_seg = int(self.span[1]) - globalv.NOW undefined = alltime - future_seg - total current_total = globalv.NOW - int(self.span[0]) # figure out the extra pieces to include in the pie chart and labels # TODO: There is something messed up about "labels" and # "label" that should be cleaned up if undefined > 0: data.append(undefined) if 'labels' in plotargs: plotargs['labels'] = list(plotargs['labels']) + ['Undefined'] elif 'label' in plotargs: plotargs['label'] = list(plotargs['label']) + ['Undefined'] if 'colors' in plotargs: plotargs['colors'] = list(plotargs['colors']) + ['black'] if future or before: data.append(future_seg) if 'labels' in plotargs: plotargs['labels'] = list(plotargs['labels']) + [' '] elif 'label' in plotargs: plotargs['label'] = list(plotargs['label']) + [' '] if 'colors' in plotargs: plotargs['colors'] = list(plotargs['colors']) + ['white'] # make pie labels = plotargs.pop('label') patches = ax.pie(data, **plotargs)[0] ax.axis('equal') # set wedge params for wedge in patches: for key, val in wedgeargs.items(): getattr(wedge, 'set_%s' % key)(val) # make legend legendargs['title'] = ax.get_title() ax.set_title('') legth = legendargs.pop('threshold', 0) legsort = legendargs.pop('sorted', False) pclabels = [] for d, label in zip(data, labels): if not label or label == ' ': pclabels.append(label) else: try: if future or after: pc = d / alltime * 100 elif during: pc = d / current_total * 100 else: pc = 0.0 except ZeroDivisionError: pc = 0.0 pclabels.append(texify( '%s [%1.1f%%]' % (label, pc)).replace(r'\\', '\\')) # add time to top suptitle = self.pargs.pop('suptitle', None) if suptitle: extra = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc='w', fill=False, ec='none', linewidth=0) # sort entries if legsort: patches, pclabels, data = map(list, zip(*sorted( list(zip(patches, pclabels, data)), key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True))) # and restrict to the given threshold if legth: try: patches, pclabels, data = map(list, zip(*[ x for x in zip(patches, pclabels, data) if x[2] >= legth])) except ValueError: pass if suptitle: leg = ax.legend([extra]+patches, [suptitle]+pclabels, **legendargs) t = leg.get_texts()[0] t.set_fontproperties(t.get_fontproperties().copy()) t.set_size(min(12, t.get_size())) else: leg = ax.legend(patches, pclabels, **legendargs) legt = leg.get_title() legt.set_fontsize(max(22, legendargs.get('fontsize', 22)+4)) legt.set_ha('left') # customise plot self.apply_parameters(ax, **self.pargs) # copy title and move axes if ax.get_title(): title = plot.suptitle(ax.get_title()) title.update_from(ax.title) title.set_y(title._y + 0.05) ax.set_title('') axpos = ax.get_position() offset = -.2 ax.set_position([axpos.x0+offset, .1, axpos.width, .8]) # add bit mask axes and finalise self.pargs['xlim'] = None return self.finalize(outputfile=outputfile, pad_inches=0)
[docs] class NetworkDutyPiePlot(SegmentPiePlot): """Special case of the `SegmentPiePlot` for network duty factors """ type = 'network-duty-pie' NETWORK_NAME = { 0: 'no', 1: 'single', 2: 'double', 3: 'triple', 4: 'quadruple', 5: 'quintuple', 6: 'sextuple', } NETWORK_COLOR = GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS.copy() NETWORK_COLOR.update({ 'no': 'black', 'single': (1.0, 0.7, 0.0), 'double': (0.0, 0.4, 1.0), 'triple': 'pink', 'quadruple': (1.0, 0.4, 0.0), }) defaults = SegmentPiePlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'legend-fontsize': 24, })
[docs] def draw(self): # get segments if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) # construct compound flags for each network size flags = dict((f[:2], f) for f in self.flags) network = ''.join(sorted(set(flags))) self.pargs.setdefault('title', f'{network} network duty factor') networkflags = [] colors = [] labels = [] # define an exclude DQ flag so that each subsequent time through # We exclude triple time from double time and double time from single # time exclude = DataQualityFlag() for i in list(range(len(flags)+1))[::-1]: name = self.NETWORK_NAME[i] flag = f'{network}:{name}' networksegs = DataQualityFlag(flag, known=valid) # loop over the possible combinations inserting the flag to the # network segments dictionary for ifoset in combinations(flags, i): if not ifoset: compound = f"!{'!'.join(list(flags.values()))}" else: compound = '&'.join(flags[ifo] for ifo in ifoset) segs = get_segments( compound, validity=valid, query=False, padding=self.padding, ignore_undefined=True).coalesce() networksegs += segs # Final step in the loop for no detectors: if not wanting to plot # future times, then exclude the time from now to the end of the # span from the no detector network if (i == 0 and not self.pargs.get('include_future', False) and globalv.NOW < self.span[1]): += SegmentList( [Segment(globalv.NOW, self.span[1])]) # insert this flag into the segments global variable and exclude # any of the previous network (more detectors) time from this time globalv.SEGMENTS[flag] = networksegs.copy() globalv.SEGMENTS[flag].active -= # update the segements of times to exclude exclude = networksegs networkflags.append(flag) labels.append(f'{name.title()} interferometer') colors.append(self.NETWORK_COLOR.get(name)) self.pargs.setdefault('colors', colors) self.pargs.setdefault('labels', labels) # reset flags and generate plot flags_ = self.flags outputfile = self.outputfile self.flags = networkflags out = super(NetworkDutyPiePlot, self).draw(outputfile=outputfile) self.flags = flags_ return out
[docs] class SegmentBarPlot(BarPlot, SegmentDataPlot): type = 'segment-bar' _single_call = True defaults = { 'scale': 'percent', 'color': GREEN, 'edgecolor': 'green', 'alpha': .6, } SCALE_UNIT = { None: 'seconds', 1: 'seconds', 'percent': texify('%'), 60: 'minutes', 3600: 'hours', }
[docs] def draw(self, outputfile=None): # Check if ylabel has been previously defined # to avoid overwriting it if 'ylabel' in self.pargs: set_ylabel = False else: set_ylabel = True plot = self.init_plot(projection='rectilinear') ax = plot.gca() if self.state: self.pargs.setdefault( 'suptitle', f'[{self.span[0]}-{self.span[1]},' f'state: {texify(str(self.state))}]') else: self.pargs.setdefault( 'suptitle', f'[{self.span[0]}-{self.span[1]}]') suptitle = self.pargs.pop('suptitle', None) if suptitle: plot.suptitle(suptitle, y=0.993, va='top') scale = self.pargs.pop('scale', 'percent') if scale == 'percent': self.pargs.setdefault('ylim', (0, 100)) elif isinstance(scale, (int, float)): self.pargs.setdefault('ylim', (0, abs(self.span) / scale)) if set_ylabel: try: self.pargs.setdefault('ylabel', f'Livetime [{self.SCALE_UNIT[scale]}]') except KeyError: self.pargs.setdefault('ylabel', 'Livetime') # extract plotting arguments sort = self.pargs.pop('sorted', False) plotargs = self.parse_plot_kwargs() # get segments data = [] labels = plotargs.pop('label', self.flags) for flag in self.flags: if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) segs = get_segments(flag, validity=valid, query=False, padding=self.padding).coalesce() livetime = float(abs( if scale == 'percent': try: data.append(100 * livetime / float(abs(segs.known))) except ZeroDivisionError: data.append(0) elif isinstance(scale, (float, int)): data.append(livetime / scale) if sort: data, labels = list(zip(*sorted( list(zip(data, labels)), key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True))) # make bar chart width = plotargs.pop('width', .8) x = numpy.arange(len(data)), data, width=width, **plotargs) # set labels ax.set_xticks(range(len(data))) ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=30, rotation_mode='anchor', ha='right', fontsize=13) ax.tick_params(axis='x', pad=2) ax.xaxis.labelpad = 2 ax.xaxis.grid(visible=False) self.pargs.setdefault('xlim', (-.5, len(data)-.5)) # customise plot self.apply_parameters(ax, **self.pargs) # add bit mask axes and finalise self.pargs['xlim'] = None return self.finalize(outputfile=outputfile, transparent="True", pad_inches=0)
[docs] class NetworkDutyBarPlot(SegmentBarPlot): """Special case of the `SegmentPiePlot` for network duty factors. """ type = 'network-duty-segment-bar' NETWORK_NAME = { 0: 'no', 1: 'single', 2: 'double', 3: 'triple', 4: 'quadruple', 5: 'quintuple', 6: 'sextuple', } NETWORK_COLOR = GW_OBSERVATORY_COLORS.copy() defaults = SegmentBarPlot.defaults.copy() # remove SegmentBarPlot default colors as they overwrite # the ones defined later. defaults.pop('color') defaults.pop('edgecolor') defaults.update({ 'title': 'Network duty factor', 'ylabel': 'Duty factor [%]', })
[docs] def draw(self): # get segments if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) # construct compound flags for each network size flags = dict((f[:2], f) for f in self.flags) # construct all possible network combinations networks = {} for size in range(1, len(flags) + 1): ifocombs = combinations(sorted(set(flags)), size) for ifocomb in ifocombs: key = "".join(ifocomb) networks[key] = (size, ifocomb) networkflags = [] colors = [] labels = [] color_id = 0 for network, values in networks.items(): i = values[0] ifoset = values[1] name = self.NETWORK_NAME[i] if i == 1: # this avoid having a redundant X1:single # in the Segment information table flag = flags[network] else: flag = f'{network}:{name}' networksegs = DataQualityFlag(flag, known=valid) if not ifoset: compound = f"!{'!'.join(list(flags.values()))}" else: compound = '&'.join(flags[ifo] for ifo in ifoset) segs = get_segments(compound, validity=valid, query=False, padding=self.padding).coalesce() networksegs += segs globalv.SEGMENTS[flag] = networksegs.copy() combined_flag = flag.split(':')[0] if flag.startswith(tuple(networks.keys())): networkflags.append(flag) labels.append(combined_flag) if self.NETWORK_COLOR.get(combined_flag) is not None: colors.append(self.NETWORK_COLOR.get(combined_flag)) else: # if color is not defined, use standard matplotlib colors colors.append(list(TABLEAU_COLORS.values())[color_id]) if color_id < len(TABLEAU_COLORS) - 1: color_id += 1 else: color_id = 0 self.pargs.setdefault('colors', colors) self.pargs.setdefault('edgecolor', colors) self.pargs.setdefault('labels', labels) # reset flags and generate plot flags_ = self.flags outputfile = self.outputfile self.flags = networkflags out = super(NetworkDutyBarPlot, self).draw(outputfile=outputfile) self.flags = flags_ return out
[docs] class SegmentHistogramPlot(get_plot('histogram'), SegmentDataPlot): """Histogram of segment duration """ type = 'segment-histogram' data = 'segments' defaults = {'ylabel': 'Number of segments', 'log': False, 'histtype': 'stepfilled', 'bottom': 0, 'rwidth': 1} parse_plot_kwargs = TimeSeriesDataPlot.parse_plot_kwargs
[docs] def draw(self, outputfile=None): # make axes plot = self.init_plot(projection='rectilinear') axes = plot.axes # use state to generate suptitle with GPS span if self.state: self.pargs.setdefault( 'suptitle', '[%s-%s, state: %s]' % (self.span[0], self.span[1], texify(str(self.state)))) else: self.pargs.setdefault( 'suptitle', '[%s-%s]' % (self.span[0], self.span[1])) suptitle = self.pargs.pop('suptitle', None) if suptitle: plot.suptitle(suptitle, y=0.993, va='top') # extract plotting arguments histargs = self.parse_plot_kwargs() # get segments data = [] for flag in self.flags: if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) segs = get_segments(flag, validity=valid, query=False, padding=self.padding).coalesce() data.append([float(abs(x)) for x in]) # get range if 'range' not in histargs[0]: _lim = common_limits(data) for d in histargs: d['range'] = _lim # plot for ax, arr, pargs in zip(cycle(axes), data, histargs): if len(arr) == 0: kwargs = dict( (k, pargs[k]) for k in ['label', 'color'] if pargs.get(k)) ax.plot([], **kwargs) else: if pargs.get('normed', False) in ['N', 'num', 'number']: pargs['normed'] = False pargs.setdefault('weights', [1/len(arr)] * len(arr)) ax.hist(arr, **pargs) # customise plot legendargs = self.parse_legend_kwargs() for i, ax in enumerate(axes): for key, val in self.pargs.items(): if key == 'title' and i > 0: continue if key == 'xlabel' and i < (len(axes) - 1): continue if key == 'ylabel' and ( (len(axes) % 2 and i != len(axes) // 2) or (len(axes) % 2 == 0 and i > 0)): continue try: getattr(ax, 'set_%s' % key)(val) except AttributeError: setattr(ax, key, val) if len(self.flags) > 1: ax.legend(**legendargs) if len(axes) > 1 and axes[0].get_ylabel(): # set text ylabel = axes[0].yaxis.get_label() y = axes[-1].get_position().y0 + ( axes[0].get_position().y1 - axes[-1].get_position().y0)/2. t = plot.text(0.04, y, ylabel.get_text(), rotation=90, ha='center', va='center') t.set_fontproperties(ylabel.get_font_properties()) for i, ax in enumerate(axes): ax.set_ylabel('') if i: ax.set_title('') if i < len(axes) - 1: ax.set_xlabel('') setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # set common ylim if 'ylim' not in self.pargs: y0 = min([ax.get_ylim()[0] for ax in axes]) y1 = max([ax.get_ylim()[1] for ax in axes]) for ax in axes: ax.set_ylim(y0, y1) # add bit mask axes and finalise return self.finalize(outputfile=outputfile, transparent="True", pad_inches=0)