Source code for gwsumm.plot.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2013)
# This file is part of GWSumm.
# GWSumm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GWSumm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GWSumm.  If not, see <>.

"""Parse, define, and geenrate plots as requests through the configuration
for GWSumm

import os.path
import re
import warnings
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from collections import OrderedDict
from math import (floor, ceil)
from numbers import Number

from matplotlib import (rcParams, rc_context)

from gwpy.segments import Segment
from gwpy.detector import ChannelList
from gwpy.plot import Plot

from gwdetchar.plot import texify

from ..channels import (get_channel, split as split_channels,
                        split_combination as split_channel_combination)
from ..config import GWSummConfigParser
from ..state import get_state
from ..utils import (vprint, safe_eval, re_quote)
from . import utils as putils
from .registry import register_plot

__all__ = ['SummaryPlot', 'DataPlot']

re_cchar = re.compile(r"[\W\s_]+")

    'insetlabels',  # for segment plotting

# -- utilities ----------------------------------------------------------------

def format_label(label):
    label = str(label).strip('\n ')
    label = re_quote.sub('', label)
    return texify(label)

# -- basic Plot object --------------------------------------------------------

[docs] class SummaryPlot(object): """An image to displayed in GWSumm HTML output. Parameters ---------- href : `str`, optional The IMG URL for this `SummaryPlot`. new : `bool`, optional `bool` flag whether this is a new plot to be processed (`True`), of that the output already exists on disk (`False`). Notes ----- This `class` is a stub, designed to make creating detailed `SummaryPlot` classes easier. """ type = None _threadsafe = True def __init__(self, href=None, src=None, new=True, caption=''): self.href = href if src: self.src = src = new self.caption = caption @property def href(self): """HTML <img> href attribute for this `SummaryPlot`. """ return self._href @href.setter def href(self, url): if url is None: self._href = None elif urlparse(url).netloc: self._href = url else: self._href = os.path.normpath(url) @property def new(self): """Flag whether this is a new plot or, already exists. Set new=False to skip actually processing this `SummaryPlot`, and just link to the outputfile. """ return self._new @new.setter def new(self, isnew): self._new = bool(isnew) @property def src(self): try: return self._src except AttributeError: return self.href @src.setter def src(self, url): self._src = url @property def caption(self): """HTML <fancybox plot> title attribute for this `SummaryPlot`. """ return self._caption @caption.setter def caption(self, text): self._caption = text # -- SummaryPlot methods -----------------------
[docs] @classmethod def from_ini(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Define a new `SummaryPlot` from a an INI-format `ConfigParser` section. """ raise NotImplementedError("Sub-classes should provide this method.")
def __eq__(self, other): """Compare this `SummaryPlot` to another. Returns ------- `True` if the metadata for ``self`` match those of ``other`` `False` otherwise """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if not self.href == other.href: return False return True def __repr__(self): return '<%s(%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.href) def __str__(self): return str(self.href)
[docs] class DataPlot(SummaryPlot): """A `SummaryPlot` from instrumental data. Parameters ---------- channels : `list` a list of channel names that define the data sources for this `DataPlot` start : `float` GPS start time of this `DataPlot`. end : `float` GPS end time of this `DataPlot`. tag : `str` a descriptive tag for this `DataPlot`, used as part of the output file name outdir : `str` output directory path for this `DataPlot`, defaults to the current directory href : `str` custom URL for this plot to link towards. **kwargs all other keyword arguments to be passed to this plot's :meth:`process` method. Notes ----- All sub-classes of this object must provide the following methods ======================= ============================================== :meth:`add_data_source` routine for appending data sources to the plot ======================= ============================================== """ #: name for DataPlot subclass type = 'data' #: plot() call style _single_call = False #: dict of default plotting kwargs defaults = { 'animation.convert_args': ['-layers', 'OptimizePlus'], 'axes.axisbelow': False, 'axes.edgecolor': 'gray', 'axes.formatter.limits': [-3, 4], 'axes.formatter.use_mathtext': True, 'axes.grid': True, 'axes.labelpad': 5.0, 'axes.labelsize': 18.0, 'axes.titlesize': 22.0, 'contour.algorithm': 'mpl2014', 'figure.figsize': [12.0, 6.0], 'figure.labelsize': 'large', 'figure.labelweight': 'normal', 'font.sans-serif': ['Roboto'], 'grid.alpha': 0.5, 'grid.linewidth': 0.5, 'legend.edgecolor': 'inherit', 'legend.fancybox': False, 'legend.fontsize': 10.0, 'legend.handlelength': 1.0, 'legend.numpoints': 2, '': 'Roboto', '': 'Calligraffiti', 'mathtext.fontset': 'custom', '': 'Roboto:italic', 'mathtext.rm': 'Roboto', 'mathtext.sf': 'Roboto', '': 'Roboto Slab', 'savefig.transparent': True, 'svg.fonttype': 'none', 'text.parse_math': True, 'xtick.labelsize': 14.0, 'ytick.labelsize': 14.0, } #: list of parameters parsed for `plot()` calls DRAW_PARAMS = list(putils.ARTIST_PARAMS) def __init__(self, channels, start, end, state=None, outdir='.', tag=None, pid=None, href=None, new=True, all_data=False, read=True, fileformat='png', caption=None, **pargs): super(DataPlot, self).__init__(href=href, new=new, caption=caption) if isinstance(channels, str): channels = split_channels(channels) self.channels = channels self.span = (start, end) self.state = state self._outdir = outdir if tag is not None: self.tag = tag if pid is not None: = pid # allow user to specify all-data instead of all_data as kwarg # mainly for INI-parsing convenience, should fix properly self.all_data = pargs.pop('all-data', all_data) self.pargs = self.defaults.copy() self.pargs.update(pargs) self.parse_rcParams(self.pargs) self.plot = None = read self.fileformat = fileformat # -- properties ----------------------------- @property def span(self): """The GPS [start, stop) interval for this `DataPlot`. """ return self._span @span.setter def span(self, seg): self._span = Segment(*seg) @property def start(self): return self.span[0] @property def end(self): return self.span[1] @property def state(self): """`~gwsumm.state.SummaryState` defining validity of this `DataPlot`. """ return self._state @state.setter def state(self, state_): if isinstance(state_, str): self._state = get_state(state_) else: self._state = state_ @property def channels(self): """List of data-source :class:`Channels <>` for this `DataPlot`. :type: :class:`` """ return ChannelList(get_channel(c) for c in self._channels) @channels.setter def channels(self, channellist): self._channels = channellist @property def allchannels(self): """List of all unique channels for this plot """ return type(self.channels)(OrderedDict.fromkeys( c2 for c in self.channels for c2 in split_channel_combination(c.ndsname) ).keys()) @property def ifos(self): """Interferometer set for this `DataPlot` """ return set([c.ifo for c in self.allchannels if c.ifo]) @property def tag(self): """File tag for this `DataPlot`. """ try: return self._tag except AttributeError: state = re_cchar.sub( '_', self.state is None and 'MULTI' or'_') type_ = re_cchar.sub('_', self.type) self._tag = '_'.join([state,, type_]).upper() return self.tag @tag.setter def tag(self, filetag): if filetag is None: del self.tag else: self._tag = filetag @tag.deleter def tag(self): del self._tag @property def pid(self): try: return self._pid except AttributeError: chans = "".join(map(str, self.channels)) filts = "".join(map(str, [ getattr(c, 'filter', getattr(c, 'frequency_response', '')) for c in self.channels])) self._pid = putils.hash(chans + filts) return @pid.setter def pid(self, id_): self._pid = str(id_) @pid.deleter def pid(self): del self._pid @property def outputfile(self): """Output file for this `DataPlot`. """ ifos = ''.join(sorted(self.ifos)) tag = self.tag gps = floor(self.start) dur = ceil(self.end - self.start) return os.path.join( self._outdir, '%s-%s-%d-%d.%s' % (ifos, tag, gps, dur, self.fileformat)) @property def href(self): if self._href is None: return self.outputfile else: return self._href @href.setter def href(self, url): self._href = url and os.path.normpath(url) or None # -- read-only plot properties -------------- def _is_log(self, axis): scale = '{0}scale'.format(axis) try: return self.pargs[scale] == 'log' except KeyError: try: return self.pargs['log{0}'.format(axis)] except KeyError: try: ax = self.plot.gca() except AttributeError: # plot not generated yet return False return getattr(ax, 'get_{0}'.format(scale))() == 'log' @property def logx(self): return self._is_log('x') @property def logy(self): return self._is_log('y') # -- basic methods --------------------------
[docs] def add_channel(self, channel): self._channels.append(channel)
[docs] def get_channel_groups(self): """Find and group (mean, min, max) sets of channels for plotting. Returns ------- groups : `list` of `tuple` list of (channelname, channellist) tuples giving core channel name and an ordered list of channels. Ordering in preference of 'rms', 'mean', 'min', 'max'. Notes ----- This method used to return an `OrderedDict`, but was changed to return a `list` of `tuple` to enable plotting a channel multiple times on a plot, for whatever reason. """ all_ = self.channels out = [] for c in all_: if c.ifo == 'G1' and'-(av|min|max)\Z', name = texify('-', 1)[0]) else: name = texify('.', 1)[0]) if ' ' in out.append((texify(, [c])) else: try: id_ = list(zip(*out))[0].index(name) except (IndexError, ValueError): out.append((name, [c])) else: out[id_][1].append(c) order = ['rms', 'mean', 'av', 'min', 'max'] for channel, clist in out: clist.sort(key=lambda c:'.')[-1] in order and order.index('.')[-1])+1 or 10) return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_ini(cls, config, section, start, end, channels=None, **kwargs): """Define a new `DataPlot`. """ config = GWSummConfigParser.from_configparser(config) # read parameters try: params = dict(config.nditems(section)) except AttributeError: params = dict(config.items(section)) # get and check type ptype = re.sub(r'[\'\"]', '', params.pop('type')) if ptype != cls.type: warnings.warn("'%s' plot definition from configuration being " "parsed by different plotting class '%s'" % (ptype, cls.__name__)) # get channels if channels is None: channels = params.pop('channels', []) if isinstance(channels, str): channels = split_channels(channels) # parse specific parameters if 'all-data' in params: params['all_data'] = params.pop('all-data') # parse other parameters for key, val in params.items(): params[key] = safe_eval(val) params.update(kwargs) # format and return return cls(channels, start, end, **params)
# -- plot parameter parsing ----------------- def _parse_param(self, pdict, key, allow_plural=False): """Parse a configuration parameter for this Plot from a dict Parameters ---------- pdict : `dict` the dict to evaluate from key : `str` the key to evaluated allow_plural : `bool`, optional try to find plural version of ``key`` if singular not found, i.e. ``'colors'`` instead of ``'color'``, default is `False` Returns ------- values : `list` a mapping of the parsed value for each channel in this plot Raises ------ KeyError if ``key`` is not found in ``pdict`` Notes ----- This method uses `gwsumm.utils.safe_eval` to `eval` strings into python objects. Examples -------- Consider a `DataPlot` with two channels to display >>> from gwsumm.plot import DataPlot >>> a = DataPlot(['channel1', 'channel2'], 0, 1) We can then parse params as follows: >>> a._parse_param({'marker': 'x'}, 'marker') ['x', 'x'] >>> a._parse_param({'linestyles': ['-', '--']}, 'linestyle'} ['-', '--'] >>> a._parse_param({'colors': "'red','green'"}, 'color'} ['red', 'green'] """ # parse keyword try: val = pdict.pop(key) except KeyError as e: if not allow_plural: raise # check for plural try: val = pdict.pop('%ss' % key) except KeyError: raise e # evaluate (safely) allowing references to self as 'plot' if isinstance(val, str): try: val = safe_eval(val, locals_={'plot': self, 'self': self}) except ZeroDivisionError: # e.g. zero livetime val = 0 # don't use sets if isinstance(val, set): val = list(val) # if a single-call style plot, just return the value as given if self._single_call: return val # otherwise convert to a 1<->1 mapping with the channels list nchans = len(self.get_channel_groups()) if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple)) or len(val) != nchans: return [val] * nchans return val def _parse_extra_params(self, prefix, **defaults): """Parse parameters for an extra plot element Parameters ---------- prefix : `str` the text prefix identifying parameters for the extra element **defaults any default options to use Returns ------- params : `dict` """ re_prefix = re.compile(r'\A%s[-_]' % prefix.rstrip('-_')) extras = defaults.copy() for key in list(self.pargs): m = re_prefix.match(key) if m: extras[key[m.span()[1]:]] = safe_eval(self.pargs.pop(key)) return extras
[docs] def parse_legend_kwargs(self, **defaults): """Pop the legend arguments from the `pargs` for this `Plot` """ return self._parse_extra_params('legend', **defaults)
[docs] def parse_plot_kwargs(self, **defaults): """Pop keyword arguments for `Axes.plot` from the `pargs` for this Plot """ plotargs = defaults.copy() plotargs.setdefault('label', self._parse_labels()) # loop over known Axes.plot kwargs and parse for kwarg in self.DRAW_PARAMS: try: plotargs[kwarg] = self._parse_param( self.pargs, kwarg, allow_plural=True) except KeyError: pass # normalise log scale parameters # TODO: this can be removed once existing config files have been # updated to not use logx and logy options for axis in ('x', 'y'): logp = 'log{}'.format(axis) try: log = self.pargs.pop(logp) except KeyError: continue if log is not self._is_log(axis): scale = 'log' if log else 'linear' self.pargs['{}scale'.format(axis)] = scale # if this plot is a single-call plot (where all objects get plotted # in a single call out to a ax.plot()-style method) just return # the params as a dict of lists if self._single_call: return plotargs # otherwise, map to a list of dicts (one per channel) out = [] nchans = len(self.get_channel_groups()) for i in range(nchans): out.append(dict((key, val[i]) for key, val in plotargs.items() if val is not None and val[i] is not None)) return out
def _parse_labels(self, defaults=None): """Pop the labels for plotting from the `pargs` for this Plot """ # set default label to show channel name chans = list(zip(*self.get_channel_groups()))[0] if defaults is None: defaults = chans # parse user labels try: labels = self._parse_param(self.pargs, 'label', allow_plural=True) except KeyError: labels = defaults if list(set(labels)) == [labels[0]] and labels[0] is not None: labels = labels[0].split(',') # escape underscores labels = list(map(format_label, labels)) # fill gaps with None while len(labels) < len(chans): labels.append(None) return labels
[docs] def parse_rcParams(self, params): """Parse matplotlib rcParams settings from a dict of plot params """ self.rcParams = {} for key in list(params): if key in rcParams: self.rcParams[key] = safe_eval(params.pop(key)) return self.rcParams
[docs] def parse_list(self, prefix, **defaults): """Parse a list of something from parameters This enables listing `hline`s (for example) in the config as [plot-blah] hline = 100 hline-linestyle = '--' hline-color = 'red' hline2 = 200 hline2-linestyle = '--' hline2-color = 'blue' Returns an `OrderedDict` with keys matching the primary parsed value, and values as everything else, e.g. {100: {'linestyle': '--', 'color': 'red'}, 200: {'linestyle': '--', 'color': 'blue'},} """ items = OrderedDict() re_prefix = re.compile(r'{0}(\d+)?\Z'.format(prefix)) keys = sorted(list(self.pargs)) while True: for i, key in enumerate(keys): if re_prefix.match(key): primary = safe_eval(self.pargs.pop(key)) items[primary] = self._parse_extra_params(key, **defaults) break # go to next iteration else: # no references matched, so stop break keys = sorted(list(self.pargs)[i:]) return items
# -- figure processing ----------------------
[docs] def process(self, outputfile=None, close=True): with rc_context(rc=self.rcParams): return self.draw()
[docs] def draw(self): """Process all data and generate the output file for this `SummaryPlot`. This function should be provided by all sub-classes, and should take no arguments. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method should be provided by a " "sub-class")
[docs] def init_plot(self, data=[], FigureClass=Plot, geometry=(1, 1), projection='rectilinear', sharex=True, sharey=True, **kwargs): """Initialise the Figure and Axes objects for this `DataPlot`. """ # update plot defaults using channel data self._update_defaults_from_channels() # strip figure and axes params from pargs for key in NON_PLOT_PARAMS: try: kwargs.setdefault(key, self.pargs.pop(key)) except KeyError: continue # escape text for TeX if key in ('title', 'xlabel', 'ylabel'): kwargs[key] = texify(kwargs[key]) # create figure self.plot = FigureClass(*data, geometry=geometry, projection=projection, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, **kwargs) return self.plot
def _update_defaults_from_channels(self): """Update default plotting params from channel attributes This method is called at the start of DataPlot.init_plot(), so should be populated in any subclasses that want it """ pass
[docs] def finalize(self, outputfile=None, close=True, **savekwargs): """Save the plot to disk and close. """ # save figure and close (build both png and pdf for pdf choice) if outputfile is None: outputfile = self.outputfile if not isinstance(outputfile, str): extensions = [None] elif outputfile.endswith('.pdf'): extensions = ['.pdf', '.png'] else: extensions = [os.path.splitext(outputfile)[1]] for ext in extensions: try: fp = '%s%s' % (os.path.splitext(outputfile)[0], ext) except AttributeError: fp = outputfile try:, **savekwargs) except (IOError, RuntimeError, IndexError) as e: warnings.warn("Caught %s: %s [retrying...]" % (type(e).__name__, str(e))), **savekwargs) if isinstance(fp, str): vprint(" %s written\n" % fp) if close: self.plot.close() return outputfile
[docs] def apply_parameters(self, *axes, **pargs): keys = sorted(list(pargs), key=lambda x: 1 if x in ('xscale', 'yscale') else 2) for ax in axes: for key in keys: if key.startswith('no-'): # skip no-xxx keys continue val = pargs[key] if key in ['xlim', 'ylim'] and isinstance(val, str): val = eval(val) elif key == 'grid': self._apply_grid_params(ax, val) continue try: getattr(ax, 'set_%s' % key)(val) except AttributeError: setattr(ax, key, val)
def _apply_grid_params(self, ax, val): if val in ('major', 'minor'): ax.grid(visible=True, which=val) else: ax.grid(val)
[docs] def add_hvlines(self): """Add horizontal and vertical lines to this `DataPlot` These should be defined in the configuration via the `hline` and `vline` keys. """ for key in ('hline', 'vline'): lines = self.parse_list(key, linestyle='--', color='red') for ax in self.plot.axes: axline = getattr(ax, 'ax{0}'.format(key)) for val, params in lines.items(): if isinstance(val, Number): val = [val] for x in val: axline(x, **params)
register_plot(DataPlot) # -- custom plot types -------------------------------------------------------- class BarPlot(DataPlot): """`DataPlot` with bars """ type = 'bar' DRAW_PARAMS = ['width', 'bottom', 'color', 'edgecolor', 'linewidth', 'xerr', 'yerr', 'ecolor', 'capsize', 'error_kw', 'align', 'orientation', 'log', 'alpha', 'rasterized'] class PiePlot(DataPlot): type = 'pie' DRAW_PARAMS = ['explode', 'colors', 'autopct', 'pctdistance', 'shadow', 'labeldistance', 'startangle', 'radius', 'counterclock', 'wedgeprops', 'textprops', 'rasterized']