Source code for gwsumm.plot.builtin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2013)
# This file is part of GWSumm.
# GWSumm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GWSumm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GWSumm.  If not, see <>.

"""Definitions for the standard plots

import os.path
import warnings
from itertools import cycle

import numpy

from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm

from astropy.units import Quantity

from gwpy.plot.colors import tint
from gwpy.plot.gps import GPSTransform
from gwpy.segments import SegmentList

from gwdetchar.plot import texify

from .. import (globalv, io)
from ..mode import (Mode, get_mode)
from ..utils import re_cchar
from import (get_timeseries, get_spectrogram,
                    get_coherence_spectrogram, get_range_spectrogram,
                    get_spectrum, get_coherence_spectrum, get_range_spectrum)
from ..state import ALLSTATE
from .registry import (get_plot, register_plot)
from .mixins import DataLabelSvgMixin

__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod <>'

DataPlot = get_plot('data')
GREEN = (0.2, 0.8, 0.2)

[docs] class TimeSeriesDataPlot(DataLabelSvgMixin, DataPlot): """DataPlot of some `TimeSeries` data. """ type = 'timeseries' data = 'timeseries' defaults = DataPlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'xscale': 'auto-gps', 'yscale': 'linear', }) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TimeSeriesDataPlot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if == 'timeseries': for c in self.channels: c._timeseries = True def _update_defaults_from_channels(self): for chan in self.channels: if getattr(chan, 'amplitude_range', None) is not None: self.pargs.setdefault('ylim', chan.amplitude_range) break # -- utilities ------------------------------
[docs] def add_state_segments(self, ax, visible=None, **kwargs): """Add an `Axes` below the given ``ax`` displaying the `SummaryState` for this `TimeSeriesDataPlot`. Parameters ---------- ax : `Axes` the set of `Axes` below which to display the state segments. visible : `bool`, optional whether or not to display the axes, or just make space for them, default is `None`, meaning a dynamic choice based on the state **kwargs other keyword arguments will be passed to the :meth:`~gwpy.plot.Plot.add_segments_bar` method. """ # allow user to disable the state segments axes if self.pargs.pop('no-state-segments', False): visible = False if visible is None and self.state is not None and ( != ALLSTATE): visible = True if visible: sax = self.plot.add_segments_bar(self.state, ax, height=.14, pad=.1, **kwargs) sax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=12) sax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none') sax.set_ylim(-.4, .4) return sax else: self.plot.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.17) return None
[docs] def add_future_shade(self, gps=None, facecolor='gray', alpha=.1, **kwargs): """Shade those parts of the figure that display times in the future """ end = float(self.end) # get time 'now' if gps is None: gps = globalv.NOW # allow user to override if self.pargs.pop('no-future-shade', False) or end <= gps: return # shade time axes for ax in filter( lambda ax: isinstance(ax.xaxis.get_transform(), GPSTransform), self.plot.axes): ax.axvspan(gps, end, facecolor=facecolor, alpha=alpha, **kwargs)
# -- init/finalize --------------------------
[docs] def init_plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialise the Figure and Axes objects for this `TimeSeriesDataPlot`. """ epoch = kwargs.pop('epoch', self.pargs.pop('epoch', None)) plot = super(TimeSeriesDataPlot, self).init_plot(*args, **kwargs) for ax in plot.axes: if get_mode() == Mode.month: ax.set_xscale('days') if isinstance(ax.xaxis.get_transform(), GPSTransform): ax.set_epoch(float(epoch if epoch is not None else self.start)) if ax.get_autoscalex_on(): ax.set_xlim(float(self.start), float(self.end)) ax.grid(visible=True, which='both') return plot
# -- main draw method -----------------------
[docs] def draw(self, outputfile=None): """Read in all necessary data, and generate the figure. """ plot = self.init_plot() ax = plot.gca() plotargs = self.parse_plot_kwargs() legendargs = self.parse_legend_kwargs() # add data channels, groups = list(zip(*self.get_channel_groups())) for clist, pargs in list(zip(groups, plotargs)): # get data valid = self._get_data_segments(clist[0]) data = [get_timeseries(c, valid, query=False) for c in clist] if len(clist) > 1: data = [tsl.join(gap='pad', pad=numpy.nan) for tsl in data] flatdata = [ts for tsl in data for ts in tsl] # validate parameters for ts in flatdata: # double-check empty if ts.x0 is None: ts.epoch = self.start # double-check log scales if self.logy: ts.value[ts.value == 0] = 1e-100 # set label try: label = pargs.pop('label') except KeyError: try: label = texify(flatdata[0].name) except IndexError: label = clist[0] else: if self.fileformat == 'svg' and not label.startswith( texify( str(flatdata[0].channel)).split('.')[0]): label += ' [%s]' % ( texify(str(flatdata[0].channel))) # plot groups or single TimeSeries if len(clist) > 1: data[1].name = None # force no labels for shades data[2].name = None ax.plot_mmm(*data, label=label, **pargs) elif len(flatdata) == 0: ax.plot(data[0].EntryClass([], epoch=self.start, unit='s', name=label), label=label, **pargs) else: for ts in data[0]: line, = ax.plot(ts, label=label, **pargs) label = None pargs['color'] = line.get_color() # customise plot self.add_hvlines() self.apply_parameters(ax, **self.pargs) # add legend if ax.get_legend_handles_labels()[0]: ax.legend(**legendargs) self.add_state_segments(ax) self.add_future_shade() return self.finalize(outputfile=outputfile)
def _get_data_segments(self, channel): """Get data segments for this plot """ if self.state and not self.all_data: return if channel.sample_rate is not None: return SegmentList([self.span.protract( 1/channel.sample_rate.value)]) return SegmentList([self.span])
[docs] class SpectrogramDataPlot(TimeSeriesDataPlot): """DataPlot a Spectrogram """ type = 'spectrogram' data = 'spectrogram' defaults = TimeSeriesDataPlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'yscale': 'log', 'ylabel': 'Frequency [Hz]', 'ratio': None, 'format': None, 'rasterized': True, }) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SpectrogramDataPlot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.ratio = self.pargs.pop('ratio') # set default colour-map for median ratio if self.ratio in ('median', 'mean'): self.pargs.setdefault('cmap', 'Spectral_r') def _update_defaults_from_channels(self): for channel in self.channels: self.pargs.setdefault('ylim', channel.frequency_range) if isinstance(self.pargs['ylim'], Quantity): self.pargs['ylim'] = self.pargs['ylim'].value if self.ratio is None and self.pargs.get('clim') is None: if (self.pargs.get('format') in ('amplitude', 'asd') and hasattr(channel, 'asd_range')): self.pargs['clim'] = channel.asd_range elif hasattr(channel, 'psd_range'): self.pargs['clim'] = channel.psd_range @property def pid(self): try: return self._pid except AttributeError: super(SpectrogramDataPlot, self).pid if (isinstance(self.ratio, str) and os.path.isfile(self.ratio)): self._pid += '_REFERENCE_RATIO' elif self.ratio: self._pid += '_%s_RATIO' % re_cchar.sub( '_', str(self.ratio).upper()) return @pid.setter def pid(self, id_): self._pid = str(id_) @pid.deleter def pid(self): del self._pid
[docs] def get_ratio(self, specgrams): ratio = self.ratio # calculate ratio spectrum if len(specgrams) and ( ratio in ['median', 'mean'] or isinstance(ratio, int)): try: allspec = specgrams.join(gap='ignore') except ValueError as e: if 'units do not match' in str(e): warnings.warn(str(e)) for spec in specgrams[1:]: spec.unit = specgrams[0].unit allspec = specgrams.join(gap='ignore') else: raise if isinstance(ratio, int): return allspec.percentile(ratio) else: return getattr(allspec, ratio)(axis=0) elif isinstance(ratio, str) and os.path.isfile(ratio): try: return io.read_frequencyseries(ratio) except IOError as e: # skip if file can't be read warnings.warn('IOError: %s' % str(e)) return ratio
[docs] def draw(self): # initialise plot = self.init_plot() ax = plot.gca() ax.grid(visible=True, axis='y', which='major') channel = self.channels[0] # parse data arguments sdform = self.pargs.pop('format') # parse colorbar arguments clabel = self.pargs.pop('colorlabel', '') clim = self.pargs.pop('clim', None) clog = self.pargs.pop('logcolor', False) # parse plotting arguments if clim: # clim -> (vmin, vmax) vmin, vmax = clim self.pargs.setdefault('vmin', vmin) self.pargs.setdefault('vmax', vmax) if clog: # logcolor -> norm self.pargs.setdefault('norm', 'log') plotargs = self.parse_plot_kwargs()[0] # only one channel # rework norm='log' into a LogNorm object # (this is only 'required' in the case of no data, when ax.scatter # gets called manually below) if plotargs.get('norm', None) == 'log': vmin = self.pargs.get('vmin') vmax = self.pargs.get('vmax') plotargs['norm'] = LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # get data if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) if self.type == 'coherence-spectrogram': specgrams = get_coherence_spectrogram( self.channels, valid, query=False) elif self.type == 'range-spectrogram': specgrams = get_range_spectrogram( channel, valid, query=False) else: try: specgrams = get_spectrogram( channel, valid, query=False, format=sdform) except ValueError as exc: if 'need more than 0 values' not in str(exc): raise # attempted to do math but one input has zero size specgrams = [] # get ratio as FrequencySeries ratio = self.get_ratio(specgrams) # plot data for i, specgram in enumerate(specgrams): # calculate ratio if ratio is not None: specgram = specgram.ratio(ratio) # undo demodulation and crop frequencies ylim = self.pargs.get('ylim', None) specgram = undo_demodulation(specgram, channel, ylim) if ylim is not None: specgram = specgram.crop_frequencies(*ylim) # plot ax.imshow(specgram, **plotargs) # add colorbar if len(specgrams) == 0: ax.pcolormesh([1, 10], [1, 10], [[1, 10], [1, 10]], visible=False, **plotargs) ax.colorbar(label=clabel) # customise and finalise self.apply_parameters(ax, **self.pargs) self.add_state_segments(ax) self.add_future_shade() return self.finalize()
[docs] class CoherenceSpectrogramDataPlot(SpectrogramDataPlot): """DataPlot a Spectrogram of the coherence between two channels """ type = 'coherence-spectrogram' data = 'coherence-spectrogram' defaults = SpectrogramDataPlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'ratio': None, 'format': None, 'clim': None, 'logcolor': False, 'colorlabel': None, })
[docs] class SpectrumDataPlot(DataPlot): """Spectrum plot for a `SummaryTab` """ type = 'spectrum' data = 'spectrum' defaults = DataPlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'xscale': 'log', 'yscale': 'log', 'format': None, 'zorder': 1, 'no-percentiles': False, 'reference-linestyle': '--', }) def _update_defaults_from_channels(self): for channel in self.channels: if getattr(channel, 'frequency_range', None) is not None: self.pargs.setdefault('xlim', channel.frequency_range) if isinstance(self.pargs['xlim'], Quantity): self.pargs['xlim'] = self.pargs['xlim'].value if (self.pargs.get('format') in ['amplitude', 'asd'] and hasattr(channel, 'asd_range')): self.pargs.setdefault('ylim', channel.asd_range) elif hasattr(channel, 'psd_range'): self.pargs.setdefault('ylim', channel.psd_range)
[docs] def draw(self): pargs = self.pargs.copy() try: self._draw() except OverflowError: self.pargs = pargs self.pargs['alpha'] = 0.0 self._draw()
def _draw(self): """Load all data, and generate this `SpectrumDataPlot` """ plot = self.init_plot() ax = plot.gca() ax.grid(visible=True, axis='both', which='both') if self.state: self.pargs.setdefault( 'suptitle', '[%s-%s, state: %s]' % (self.span[0], self.span[1], texify(str(self.state)))) suptitle = self.pargs.pop('suptitle', None) if suptitle: plot.suptitle(suptitle, y=0.993, va='top') # get spectrum format: 'amplitude' or 'power' sdform = self.pargs.pop('format') if sdform == 'rayleigh': method = 'rayleigh' else: method = None use_percentiles = str( self.pargs.pop('no-percentiles')).lower() == 'false' # parse plotting arguments plotargs = self.parse_plot_kwargs() legendargs = self.parse_legend_kwargs() use_legend = False # get reference arguments refs = self.parse_references() # add data if self.type == 'coherence-spectrum': iterator = list(zip(self.channels[0::2], self.channels[1::2], plotargs)) else: iterator = list(zip(self.channels, plotargs)) for chantuple in iterator: channel = chantuple[0] channel2 = chantuple[1] pargs = chantuple[-1] if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = self.state else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) if self.type == 'coherence-spectrum': data = get_coherence_spectrum( [str(channel), str(channel2)], valid, query=False) elif self.type == 'range-spectrum': data = get_range_spectrum(str(channel), valid, query=False, state=valid) elif self.type == 'cumulative-range-spectrum': data = get_range_spectrum(str(channel), valid, query=False, which='mean', state=valid) if str(data.unit) == 'Mpc': data = (data**3).cumsum() ** (1/3.) else: data = (data**2).cumsum() ** (1/2.) try: data = (100 * data / data[-1],) except IndexError: data = tuple() else: try: data = get_spectrum(str(channel), valid, query=False, format=sdform, method=method, state=valid) except ValueError as exc: # math op failed beacuse one of the datasets is empty if ( 'could not be broadcast' in str(exc) and '(0,)' in str(exc) ): data = [] else: raise # undo demodulation data = list(data) for i, spec in enumerate(data): data[i] = undo_demodulation(spec, channel, self.pargs.get('xlim', None)) # anticipate log problems if self.logx: data = [s[1:] for s in data] if self.logy: for sp in data: sp.value[sp.value == 0] = 1e-100 if 'label' in pargs: use_legend = True if data and self.type == 'cumulative-range-spectrum': pargs_reverse = pargs.copy() pargs_reverse.pop('label', None) pargs_reverse['linestyle'] = 'dashed' # plot cumulative spectrum and its reverse ax.plot(data[0], **pargs) ax.plot(100 - data[0], **pargs_reverse) elif data and use_percentiles: _, minline, maxline, _ = ax.plot_mmm(*data, **pargs) # make min, max lines lighter: minline.set_alpha(pargs.get('alpha', .1) * 2) maxline.set_alpha(pargs.get('alpha', .1) * 2) elif data: ax.plot(data[0], **pargs) # display references for source, refparams in refs.items(): refspec = io.read_frequencyseries(source) refparams.setdefault('zorder', -len(refs) + 1) if 'filter' in refparams: refspec = refspec.filter(*refparams.pop('filter')) if 'scale' in refparams: refspec *= refparams.pop('scale', 1) if 'label' in refparams: use_legend = True ax.plot(refspec, **refparams) # customise self.add_hvlines() self.apply_parameters(ax, **self.pargs) if use_legend or len(self.channels) > 1 or ax.legend_ is not None: ax.legend(**legendargs) return self.finalize()
[docs] def parse_references(self, prefix=r'reference(\d+)?\Z'): """Parse parameters for displaying one or more reference traces """ return self.parse_list('reference')
[docs] class CoherenceSpectrumDataPlot(SpectrumDataPlot): """Coherence pectrum plot for a `SummaryTab` """ type = 'coherence-spectrum' data = 'coherence-spectrogram' defaults = SpectrumDataPlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'yscale': 'linear', 'alpha': 0.1, }) # override this to allow us to set the legend manually def _parse_labels(self, defaults=None): return self.pargs.pop('labels', defaults)
[docs] def get_channel_groups(self): """Hi-jacked method to return pairs of channels For the `CoherenceSpectrumDataPlot` this method is only used in determining how to separate lists of plotting argument given by the user. """ all_ = self.allchannels return [(all_[i], all_[i:i+2]) for i in range(0, len(all_), 2)]
[docs] class TimeSeriesHistogramPlot(DataPlot): """HistogramPlot from a Series """ type = 'histogram' data = 'timeseries' defaults = DataPlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'ylabel': 'Rate [Hz]', 'log': True, 'histtype': 'stepfilled', 'rwidth': 1, 'bottom': 1e-300, }) def _update_defaults_from_channels(self): for channel in self.channels: if hasattr(channel, 'amplitude_range'): self.pargs.setdefault('xlim', channel.amplitude_range) break
[docs] def init_plot(self, geometry=None, **kwargs): """Initialise the Figure and Axes objects for this `TimeSeriesDataPlot`. """ if geometry is None and self.pargs.pop('sep', False): if == 'segments': geometry = (len(self.flags), 1) else: geometry = (len(self.channels), 1) elif geometry is None: geometry = (1, 1) plot = super(TimeSeriesHistogramPlot, self).init_plot( geometry=geometry, **kwargs) for ax in plot.axes: ax.grid(visible=True, which='both') return plot
[docs] def parse_plot_kwargs(self, **defaults): kwargs = super(TimeSeriesHistogramPlot, self).parse_plot_kwargs( **defaults) for histargs in kwargs: histargs.setdefault('logbins', self.logx) logy = histargs.get('log', False) self.pargs.setdefault('yscale', 'log' if logy else 'linear') # set range as xlim if 'range' not in histargs and 'xlim' in self.pargs: histargs['range'] = self.pargs.get('xlim') # set alpha if len(self.channels) > 1: histargs.setdefault('alpha', 0.7) return kwargs
[docs] def draw(self, outputfile=None): """Get data and generate the figure. """ # get plot and axes plot = self.init_plot() axes = plot.axes if self.state: self.pargs.setdefault( 'suptitle', '[%s-%s, state: %s]' % (self.span[0], self.span[1], texify(str(self.state)))) suptitle = self.pargs.pop('suptitle', None) if suptitle: plot.suptitle(suptitle, y=0.993, va='top') # extract histogram arguments histargs = self.parse_plot_kwargs() # get data data = [] for channel in self.channels: if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) data.append(get_timeseries(channel, valid, query=False).join( gap='ignore', pad=numpy.nan)) # plot for ax, arr, pargs in zip(cycle(axes), data, histargs): # set range pargs['range'] = self._get_range( data, # use range from first dataset if already calculated range=histargs[0].get('range'), # use xlim if manually set (user or INI) xlim=None if ax.get_autoscalex_on() else ax.get_xlim(), ) # plot histogram _, _, patches = ax.hist(arr, **pargs) # update edge color of histogram to be tinted version of face if pargs.get('histtype', None) == 'stepfilled': for p in patches: if not p.get_edgecolor()[3]: p.set_edgecolor(tint(p.get_facecolor(), .7)) # customise plot legendargs = self.parse_legend_kwargs() for i, ax in enumerate(axes): for key, val in self.pargs.items(): if key == 'title' and i > 0: continue if key == 'xlabel' and i < (len(axes) - 1): continue if key == 'ylabel' and ( (len(axes) % 2 and i != len(axes) // 2) or (len(axes) % 2 == 0 and i > 0)): continue try: getattr(ax, 'set_%s' % key)(val) except AttributeError: setattr(ax, key, val) if len(self.channels) > 1: ax.legend(**legendargs) if len(axes) % 2 == 0 and axes[0].get_ylabel(): label = axes[0].yaxis.label ax = axes[int(len(axes) // 2)-1] ax.set_ylabel(label.get_text()) ax.yaxis.label.set_position((0, -.2 / len(axes))) if len(axes) != 2: label.set_text('') # add extra axes and finalise return self.finalize(outputfile=outputfile)
def _get_range(self, data, range=None, xlim=None): if range is not None: if range == 'autoscaling': return None else: range = list(range) try: if range[0] == 'min': range[0] = numpy.min(data) if range[1] == 'max': range[1] = numpy.max(data) if range[0] < range[1]: return range except (ValueError, IndexError) as exc: if not str(exc).startswith('zero-size array'): raise if xlim is not None: return xlim try: return numpy.min(data), numpy.max(data) except ValueError as exc: if not str(exc).startswith('zero-size array'): raise return None
[docs] class TimeSeriesHistogram2dDataPlot(TimeSeriesHistogramPlot): """DataPlot of the 2D histogram of two `TimeSeries`. """ type = 'histogram2d' data = 'timeseries' defaults = TimeSeriesHistogramPlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'yscale': 'linear', 'grid': 'both', 'shading': 'flat', 'cmap': 'inferno_r', 'alpha': None, 'edgecolors': 'None', 'bins': 100, 'normed': True }) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TimeSeriesHistogram2dDataPlot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) channels = self.channels if isinstance(channels, (list, tuple)) and len(channels) > 2: raise ValueError("Cannot generate TimeSeriesHistogram2dDataPlot " " plot with more than 2 channels") def _update_defaults_from_channels(self): c1, c2 = self.channels self.pargs.setdefault('xlabel', texify(str(c1))) self.pargs.setdefault('ylabel', texify(str(c2))) if hasattr(c1, 'amplitude_range'): self.pargs.setdefault('xlim', c1.amplitude_range) if hasattr(c2, 'amplitude_range'): self.pargs.setdefault('ylim', c2.amplitude_range)
[docs] def parse_hist_kwargs(self, **defaults): kwargs = {'bins': self.pargs.pop('bins'), 'normed': self.pargs.pop('normed')} if 'range' in self.pargs: ranges = [float(r) for r in self.pargs['range'].split(',')] kwargs['range'] = [[ranges[0], ranges[1]], [ranges[2], ranges[3]]] elif 'xlim' in self.pargs and 'ylim' in self.pargs: xlim = self.pargs['xlim'] ylim = self.pargs['ylim'] kwargs['range'] = [[xlim[0], xlim[1]], [ylim[0], ylim[1]]] else: kwargs['range'] = None return kwargs
[docs] def parse_pcmesh_kwargs(self, **defaults): kwargs = { 'cmap': self.pargs.pop('cmap'), 'edgecolors': self.pargs.pop('edgecolors'), 'shading': self.pargs.pop('shading'), 'alpha': self.pargs.pop('alpha') } return kwargs
[docs] def draw(self, outputfile=None): """Get data and generate the figure. """ # get histogram parameters plot = self.init_plot() ax = plot.gca() if self.state: self.pargs.setdefault( 'suptitle', '[%s-%s, state: %s]' % (self.span[0], self.span[1], texify(str(self.state)))) suptitle = self.pargs.pop('suptitle', None) if suptitle: plot.suptitle(suptitle, y=0.993, va='top') # get data data = [] for channel in self.channels: if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) data.append(get_timeseries(channel, valid, query=False).join( gap='ignore', pad=numpy.nan)) if len(data) == 1: data.append(data[0]) # histogram hist_kwargs = self.parse_hist_kwargs() h, xedges, yedges = numpy.histogram2d(data[0], data[1], **hist_kwargs) h = == 0, h) x, y = numpy.meshgrid(xedges, yedges, copy=False, sparse=True) # plot pcmesh_kwargs = self.parse_pcmesh_kwargs() ax.pcolormesh(x, y, h.T, **pcmesh_kwargs) # customise plot self.apply_parameters(ax, **self.pargs) return self.finalize(outputfile=outputfile)
[docs] class SpectralVarianceDataPlot(SpectrumDataPlot): """SpectralVariance histogram plot for a `DataTab` """ type = 'variance' data = 'spectrogram' defaults = SpectrumDataPlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'xscale': 'log', 'yscale': 'log', 'reference-linestyle': '--', 'log': True, 'nbins': 100, }) def __init__(self, channels, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(channels, (list, tuple)) and len(channels) > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot generate SpectralVariance plot with " "more than 1 channel") super(SpectralVarianceDataPlot, self).__init__( channels, *args, **kwargs) def _update_defaults_from_channels(self): chan = self.channels[0] if getattr(chan, 'frequency_range', None) is not None: self.pargs.setdefault('xlim', chan.frequency_range) if isinstance(self.pargs['xlim'], Quantity): self.pargs['xlim'] = self.pargs['xlim'].value if hasattr(chan, 'asd_range'): self.pargs.setdefault('ylim', chan.asd_range) if hasattr(chan, 'asd_range'): low, high = chan.asd_range self.pargs.setdefault('low', low) self.pargs.setdefault('high', high)
[docs] def parse_variance_kwargs(self): varargs = dict() for key in ['low', 'high', 'log', 'nbins', 'bins', 'density', 'norm']: if key in self.pargs: varargs[key] = self.pargs.pop(key) return varargs
def _draw(self): """Load all data, and generate this `SpectrumDataPlot` """ plot = self.init_plot() ax = plot.gca() if self.state: self.pargs.setdefault( 'suptitle', '[%s-%s, state: %s]' % (self.span[0], self.span[1], texify(str(self.state)))) suptitle = self.pargs.pop('suptitle', None) if suptitle: plot.suptitle(suptitle, y=0.993, va='top') # parse plotting arguments cmap = self.pargs.pop('cmap', None) varargs = self.parse_variance_kwargs() plotargs = self.parse_plot_kwargs()[0] # get reference arguments refs = self.parse_references() # calculate spectral variance and plot # pad data request to over-fill plots (no gaps at the end) if self.state and not self.all_data: valid = else: valid = SegmentList([self.span]) livetime = float(abs(valid)) if livetime: plotargs.setdefault('vmin', 1/livetime) plotargs.setdefault('vmax', 1.) plotargs.pop('label') specgram = get_spectrogram(self.channels[0], valid, query=False, format='asd').join(gap='ignore') if specgram.size: asd = specgram.median(axis=0) = None variance = specgram.variance(**varargs) # normalize the variance variance /= livetime / specgram.dt.value # undo demodulation variance = undo_demodulation(variance, self.channels[0], ax.get_xlim()) # plot ax.plot(asd, color='grey', linewidth=0.3) ax.imshow(variance, cmap=cmap, **plotargs) # display references for source, refparams in refs.items(): refspec = io.read_frequencyseries(source) if 'filter' in refparams: refspec = refspec.filter(*refparams.pop('filter')) if 'scale' in refparams: refspec *= refparams.pop('scale', 1) ax.plot(refspec, **refparams) # customise self.add_hvlines() self.apply_parameters(ax, **self.pargs) ax.grid(visible=True, axis='both', which='both') return self.finalize()
[docs] class RayleighSpectrogramDataPlot(SpectrogramDataPlot): """Rayleigh statistic versino of `SpectrogramDataPlot` """ type = 'rayleigh-spectrogram' data = 'rayleigh-spectrogram' defaults = SpectrogramDataPlot.defaults.copy() defaults.update({ 'ratio': None, 'format': 'rayleigh', 'clim': [0.25, 4], 'cmap': 'BrBG_r', 'colorlabel': 'Rayleigh statistic', })
[docs] class RayleighSpectrumDataPlot(SpectrumDataPlot): """Rayleigh statistic versino of `SpectrumDataPlot` """ type = 'rayleigh-spectrum' data = 'rayleigh-spectrum' defaults = {'format': 'rayleigh', 'xscale': 'log', 'yscale': 'log', 'alpha': 0.1, 'zorder': 1, 'no-percentiles': True, 'reference-linestyle': '--'}
[docs] def undo_demodulation(spec, channel, limits=None): if spec.size == 0: return spec # undo demodulation try: demod = channel.demodulation except AttributeError: return spec else: spec = spec[:] # views data with copied metadata del spec.frequencies spec.f0 = demod # if physical frequency-range is below demod, get negative df try: low, high = channel.frequency_range except (AttributeError, TypeError): try: low, high = limits except TypeError: return spec high = Quantity(high, 'Hz') if high < spec.f0: if spec.ndim > 1: # Spectrogram spec.value[:] = numpy.fliplr(spec.value) else: # FrequencySeries spec.value[:] = spec.value[::-1] spec.df *= -1 spec.frequencies = spec.frequencies[::-1] return spec