Source code for gwsumm.html.html5

# -*- coding: utf-8
# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2013)
# This file is part of GWSumm.
# GWSumm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GWSumm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GWSumm.  If not, see <>.

"""HTML5-specific extensions

import re
import os.path

from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from MarkupPy import markup
from markdown import markdown

# global variables


        (function() {
            var dsq = document.createElement('script');
            dsq.type = 'text/javascript'; dsq.async = true;
            dsq.src = '//' + disqus_shortname + '';
            (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] ||

This tool is designed to help visually correlate multiple types of data by
laying transparent figures atop one another. To use it, follow these steps:

* From the main page(s), drag-and-drop figures onto the button with this icon:
  <i class="fas fa-layer-group"></i>
* Expand this dialog box and use the `Overlay` button (to the right) to render
  a new figure by overlaying the ones selected
* Add more figures using the steps above, click `Overlay` to re-render, and
  use the `Download` button to save to a local file
* Use the `Clear` button to clear all figure selections

**Note:** figures are remembered across tabs, so multiple times and subsystems
can be compared at once.\

# -- utilities ----------------------------------------------------------------

def _expand_path(path):
    """Expand a server path that may contain symbolic links
    subbed = Path(re.sub(r'^/\~(.*?)/', r'/home/\1/public_html/', path))
    resolved = subbed.resolve() if subbed.exists() else subbed
    return re.sub(r'^/home/(.*?)/public_html/', r'/~\1/',
                  str(resolved) if resolved.exists() else path)

[docs] def load_state(url): """Construct the HTML script required to load the Tab HTML for a given :class:`~gwsumm.state.core.SummaryState` Parameters ---------- url : `str` path (relative to <base>) of HTML to load id_ : `str`, optional, default: '#main' <div> 'id' in which to load HTML Returns ------- HTML : `str` HTML one-liner with script loading """ id_ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(url))[0] page = page.script() page.add('if (location.hash.length <= 1) {') page.add(' jQuery("#state_%s").load_state("%s");' % (id_, url)) page.add('}') page.script.close() return page
[docs] def load(url, id_='main', error=False, success=None): """Construct the HTML script required to load a url into the HTML element with the given unique ``id_``. """ ps = urlparse(url) if not ps.netloc and not error: return markup.given_oneliner.script('jQuery("#%s").load("%s");' % (id_, url)) elif ps.netloc and not error: error = ('alert("Cannot load content from %r, use browser console ' 'to inspect failure.");' % url) else: if not isinstance(error, (str, error = 'Failed to load content from %r' % url error = ('jQuery("#%s").html("<div class=\'alert alert-warning ' 'text-justify shadow-sm\'><p>%s</p></div>");' % (id_, error)) if success is None: success = 'jQuery("#%s").html(data);' % id_ url = _expand_path(url) return markup.given_oneliner.script(""" jQuery.ajax({ url : '%s', type : 'GET', success: function(data, statusText, jqhxr){%s}, error: function(xhr, status, error){%s} });\n""" % (url, success, error))
[docs] def comments_box(name, identifier=None, title=None, url=None): """Generate a Disqus comments box """ page = page.div(id_='disqus_thread') page.script(type='text/javascript') page.add(' var disqus_shortname = "%s";' % name) if identifier: page.add(' var disqus_identifier = "%s";' % identifier) if title: page.add(' var disqus_title = "%s";' % title) if url: page.add(' var disqus_url = "%s";' % url) page.add(COMMENTS_JS) page.script.close() page.noscript("Please enable JavaScript to view the") page.a("comments powered by Disqus", href="") page.div.close() return page
[docs] def ldvw_qscan(channel, time, fmin=10, fmax='inf', qmin=4, qmax=100): """Generate a Q-scan through LIGO DataViewer Web (LDVW) """ channel = str(channel) if isinstance(time, (tuple, list)): label = 'Launch omega scans' title = 'Batch-process omega scans of the loudest triggers via LDVW' times = '&'.join('wdq_gps=' + str(t) for t in time) query = ('Wdq?submitAct=go&wdq_ifo=%s&wdq_cmap=viridis&%s&' 'wdq_prog=py-Omega&goBtn=goBtn') % (channel[:2], times) else: label = 'Q-scan' title = 'Q-scan {0} at {1} via LDVW'.format(channel, time) query = ('view?act=doplot&chanName={0}&doQxfrm=yes&strtTime={1}&' '&qxfrm_pltfrq={2} {3}&qxfrm_srchqrng={4} {5}&' 'qxfrm_plttimes=0.5 2 8').format( channel, time, fmin, fmax, qmin, qmax) uri = '{0}'.format(query) return markup.oneliner.a( label, href=uri, target='_blank', rel='external', class_='btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm', title=title)
[docs] def dialog_box(content, title, id_, btntxt): """Generate a dialog box to be loaded modal atop the main page Parameters ---------- content : `str` either raw markdown text or the path to a file containing markdown, this will be rendered in HTML as the contents of the dialog box title : `str` title to display atop the dialog box id_ : `str` unique identifier for the dialog box btntxt : `str` text (usually a single character) to appear inside a sticky button that opens the dialog box Returns ------- page : `` fully rendered HTML containing the dialog box """ btnargs = { 'title': title, 'id_': '-'.join([id_, 'btn']), 'class_': 'btn-float btn-open shadow', 'data-id': '#' + id_, } page = page.button(btntxt, **btnargs) page.div( class_='dialog', title=title, id_=id_, ) if os.path.isfile(content): with open(content, 'r') as source: content = page.add(markdown(str(content))) page.div.close() return page
[docs] def overlay_canvas(): """Generate a dialog box allowing users to select and overlay plots Returns ------- page : `` fully rendered HTML containing the dialog box """ page = page.h1('Overlay figures for easy comparison')'row-divider') page.div(class_='row', id_='overlay-outer') page.div(class_='col-md-4') page.div(class_='card card-body shadow-sm', id_='overlay-info') page.h4('Instructions') page.add(markdown(OVERLAY_INSTRUCTIONS)) page.div.close() # card card-body shadow-sm page.div.close() # col-md-4 page.div(class_='col-md-8') page.div(class_='text-center') page.a('Overlay', title='Overlay all selected figures', class_='btn btn-light shadow-sm', id_='overlay-figures') page.a('Download', title='Download overlay figure', class_='btn btn-light shadow-sm', id_='download-overlay') page.a('Clear', title='Clear all figure selections', class_='btn btn-light shadow-sm', id_='clear-figures') page.div.close() # text-center page.add(markup.oneliner.canvas(id_='overlay-canvas')) page.div.close() # col-md-8 page.div.close() # row return dialog_box( str(page), title='Overlay figures', id_='overlay', btntxt=markup.oneliner.i('', class_='fas fa-layer-group'))