############### What is GWSumm? ############### The `gwsumm` package ('the summary pages') is a python toolbox that can be used to generate a structured HTML webpage displaying graphical data that describe any and all aspects of gravitational-wave interferometer performance. The summary pages were developed in collaboration between the LIGO Laboratory and the GEO600 project with the goal of generating an automated daily summary of laser-interferometer operations and performance. The LIGO Summary Pages are used to characterize and monitor the status of the detectors and their subsystems. In addition, data products and webpages from other analysis tools are included in the Summary Pages. The output acts as a kind of daily magazine, allowing instrument scientists and data analysis teams a archived, searchable summary of the key figures of merit that will determine the sensitivity and ultimately the science output of these instruments. Those readers who are members of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration, or KAGRA can view the current LIGO summary pages at the following sites: == ======================================================= H1 https://ldas-jobs.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/~detchar/summary/ L1 https://ldas-jobs.ligo-la.caltech.edu/~detchar/summary/ == ======================================================= Working model ============= The GWSumm package provides an abstract set of classes from which any user can build their own python program to read, manipulate, and display data. However, for the specific purpose of the LIGO instrumental summary pages, the `gw_summary` command-line executable is used to read in a number of INI-format configuration files that define what data should be read, how it should be manipulated, and how it should all be displayed. These configuration files are made up ``[tab-xxx]`` section with the following format: .. code-block:: ini [tab-IMC] name = Input mode cleaner shortname = IMC 1 = L1:IMC-PWR_IN_OUT_DQ timeseries 1-ylim = 0,80 1-title = 'Power into IMC' [html] issues = This block defines the ``IMC`` tab, with a ``name`` (and a ``shortname``): a single ``timeseries`` plot of the ``L1:IMC-PWR_IN_OUT_DQ`` channel. The plot has been customised with a y-axis limit and a title. This also defines the required ``[html]`` section, where the required key ``issues`` is defined. This example can be saved to a file called ``imc.ini``. This tab is then generated by passing it to the `gw_summary` executable, along with some GPS times over which to run: .. code-block:: bash $ gw_summary gps 'Feb 29 2020 00:00' 'Feb 29 2020 01:00' --config-file imc.ini This minimal setup will produce the following HTML page `1266969618-1266973218/imc/index.html`: .. image:: examples/imc.png :width: 80% :align: center :alt: GWSumm example screenshot