.. _cli-page: ###################### Command-line interface ###################### GW Summary ========== The primary interface for GWSumm is a command-line utility called `gw_summary`. For a full explanation of the available command-line arguments and options, you can run .. command-output:: python ../bin/gw_summary --help This tool can be run in four modes: daily, weekly, and monthly analyses, and a specific range of GPS times. Day mode -------- To run in daily summary mode, the following command-line options are available: .. command-output:: python gw_summary day --help Week mode --------- The arguments in weekly mode are as follows: .. command-output:: python gw_summary week --help Month mode ---------- In monthly mode: .. command-output:: python gw_summary month --help GPS mode -------- To run within a specific (but arbitrary) range of GPS seconds: .. command-output:: python gw_summary gps --help Batch mode ========== To stage a batch of analyses with a large collection of configuration files, as is done in embarrassingly parallel fashion when the summary pages run online, you can use the `gw_summary_pipe` command-line utility. This tool uses `HT Condor `_ to schedule and run jobs in parallel. To see all the available arguments and options for this tool, you can run with `--help` as usual: .. command-output:: python gw_summary_pipe --help